CVPbkContactLinkArray Class Reference

#include <app/CVPbkContactLinkArray.h>

Link against: VPbkEng.lib

class CVPbkContactLinkArray : public CBase

Inherits from

  • CVPbkContactLinkArray

    Detailed Description

    A read-only array of contact links.

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    ~CVPbkContactLinkArray ( )



    Member Function Documentation

    AppendL ( MVPbkContactLink * )

    IMPORT_C voidAppendL(MVPbkContactLink *aLink)

    Appends a link to this array.

    aLink != NULL
    Array count is increased by one and the link is in the last element of the array.
    aLinkthe link object to append. This array takes ownership of the link if append is succesful.

    At ( TInt )

    const MVPbkContactLink &At(TIntaIndex)const

    Count ( )

    TInt Count()const

    Delete ( TInt )

    IMPORT_C voidDelete(TIntaIndex)

    Removes and deletes a link at aIndex from this array.

    aIndex >= 0 && aIndex <= Count()
    The array count is decreased by one.

    Find ( const MVPbkContactLink & )

    TInt Find(const MVPbkContactLink &aLink)const

    InsertL ( MVPbkContactLink *, TInt )

    IMPORT_C voidInsertL(MVPbkContactLink *aLink,

    Inserts a link to this array.


    if out of memory.

    aLink != NULL

    aIndex >= 0 && aIndex <= Count()

    Array count is increased by one and the link is in the position marked by the aIndex element of the array.
    aLinkthe link object to insert. This array takes ownership of the link if insertion is succesful.
    aIndexposition where to insert the link.

    NewL ( )

    IMPORT_C CVPbkContactLinkArray *NewL()[static]

    Creates an empty link array.

    Returns: A new instance of this class

    NewLC ( )

    IMPORT_C CVPbkContactLinkArray *NewLC()[static]

    Creates an empty link array. Leaves the created array object on the cleanup stack.

    Returns: A new instance of this class

    NewLC ( const TDesC8 &, const MVPbkContactStoreList & )

    IMPORT_C CVPbkContactLinkArray *NewLC(const TDesC8 &aPackedLinks,
    const MVPbkContactStoreList &aStoreList

    Creates a link array from a packed descriptor of links.

    aPackedLinksa buffer that was created using PackLC of MVPbkContactLinkArray or MVPbkContactLink
    aStoreListthe list of stores that contain the stores that links belong.

    Returns: A new instance of this class

    NewLC ( RReadStream &, const MVPbkContactStoreList & )

    IMPORT_C CVPbkContactLinkArray *NewLC(RReadStream &aStream,
    const MVPbkContactStoreList &aStoreList

    Creates a link array from a stream of links.

    aStreama stream of contact link that was created using MVPbkStreamable interface of MVPbkContactLink
    aStoreListthe list of stores that contain the stores that links belong.

    Returns: A new instance of this class

    NewLC ( RReadStream &, MVPbkContactStoreLoader & )

    CVPbkContactLinkArray *NewLC(RReadStream &aStream,
    MVPbkContactStoreLoader &aLoader

    Creates a link array from a stream of links. Uses aLoader to find and load stores. aLoader must exist the life time of this object.

    aStreama stream of contact link that was created using MVPbkStreamable interface of MVPbkContactLink
    aLoaderthe contact store loader for internalization.

    Returns: A new instance of this class

    PackLC ( )

    HBufC8 *PackLC()const

    PackedBufferSize ( )

    IMPORT_C TIntPackedBufferSize()const

    Returns the size of the packed link array

    Remove ( TInt )

    IMPORT_C voidRemove(TIntaIndex)

    Removes a link at aIndex from this array.

    aIndex >= 0 && aIndex <= Count()
    The array count is decreased by one.

    Reset ( )

    IMPORT_C voidReset()

    Resets this array but doesn't destroy links

    Count() == 0

    ResetAndDestroy ( )

    IMPORT_C voidResetAndDestroy()

    Resets the array and destroys the links

    Streamable ( )

    const MVPbkStreamable *Streamable()const