
The purpose of Directory Localizer API is to offer the functions for making directory localization.

API description

Directory Localizer API is a library API, which provides an interface class to utilize directory localization. With directory localization, a localized name and a specified icon are combined with a directory. For example, the image folder is shown as “Image”, but its full path may be C:\\Data\\Images\\ .

Use cases

The most common use cases of Directory Localizer API are the following:

  • Defining Directory Localizer in a resource file

  • Initializing Directory Localizer

  • Retrieving the localized attributes of a directory

API class structure

The main classes of Directory Localizer API are shown in the figure below.

Class diagram of CDirectoryLocalizer

Class diagram of CDirectoryLocalizer

The class CDirectoryLocalizer is derived from CBase .

The class CDirectoryLocalizer is used to instantiate the Directory Localizer instance by reading the resource and make the localization for an absolute path.

Directory Localizer resource and directory resource

A Directory Localizer resource contains an array of directory resources. The following table gives a detailed description of the fields in a directory resource.

LTEXT fullPath

Full path of the directory.

LTEXT localizedName

Localized name.

LTEXT extraData

Extra data, for example localized name for another layout.

WORD iconIndex

Index of an icon.

Related APIs
  • CBase
  • CDirectoryLocalizer

Using Directory Localizer API

The most common use cases are described in the sections below.

Defining Directory Localizer in a resource file

Clients can use the default localization data provided with the Symbian platform, or define a new one in a resource file. An example Directory Localizer containing two directory resources is shown as below:

               #include "DirectoryLocalizer.rh"

RESOURCE DIRECTORYLOCALIZER r_example_localizer_entries
    directories =
            fullPath = “c:\\example\\”;
            localizedName = “Example”;
            extraData = “New localizer”;
            iconIndex = 0; 
            fullPath = “c:\\example2\\”;
            localizedName = “Example2”;
            extraData = “New localizer 2”;
            iconIndex = 0; 

Initializing Directory Localizer

Directory Localizer may be initialized with the default localizer resource, or a client specified resource. The following code snippet demonstrates how to initialize a localizer with the resource defined in the above section.

               // Assumption: the localizer resource is defined in resource file “example.rss”.
#include <example.rsg>

_LIT(KDLExampleResourceFile, "z:\\resource\\example.rsc" );

// Load the resource file to the environment.
TInt offsetRscFile = CCoeEnv::Static()->

// Initialize the localizer with the resource.
CDirectoryLocalizer*  localizer  = NULL; 
localizer = CDirectoryLocalizer::NewL( R_EXAMPLE_LOCALIZER_ENTRIES );

// Handle the localized data.

// Delete the instance.
delete localizer;
localizer = NULL;

// Delete the resource file from the envionment.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to add specified localizer resource to the default localizer resource entries. In this case, a localizer is initialized with the default localizer entries firstly, and then calling CDirectoryLocalizer::AddFromResourceL() method adds the resource defined in the above section.

               // Assumption: the localizer resource is defined in resource file “example.rss”.
#include <example.rsg>

_LIT(KDLExampleResourceFile, "z:\\resource\\example.rsc" );

// Load the resource file to the environment.
TInt offsetRscFile = CCoeEnv::Static()->

// Initialize the localizer with the default resource.
CDirectoryLocalizer*  localizer  = NULL; 
localizer = CDirectoryLocalizer::NewL();

// Add resource entries.

// Handle the localized data.

// Delete the instance.
delete localizer;
localizer = NULL;

// Delete the resource file from the envionment.

Related APIs
  • CDirectoryLocalizer::AddFromResourceL()

Retrieving the localized attributes of a directory

The most important use case is to analyze an absolute path and retrieve the localized attributes, e.g. the localized name. The following code snippet demonstrates how to retrieve the localized attributes of the path defined in KTestDir .

               // Assumption: CDirectoryLocalizer*  localizer  has been initialized as described 
// in the section “Initializing the directory localizer”.

// Define the input path.
_LIT( KTestDir, "c:\\example\\" );

// Set the absolute path to be localized.
localizer ->SetFullPath(KTestDir);

if ( localizer->IsLocalized() )
// The path is recognized as a localized directory.

// Get the localized name. It should be “Example”
// If the input path is not localized, the return value is KNullDesC.
TPtrC localizeName = localizer-> LocalizedName();

// Get the extra data. It should be “New localizer”
// If the input path is not localized, the return value is KNullDesC.
TPtrC extraData = localizer-> ExtraData ();

// Get the icon index. It should be 0.
// If the input path is not localized, the return value is KErrGeneral.
TInt iconIndex = localizer-> Icon ();

The path to be localized is defined with or without the trailing backslash depending on how the paths are defined in the directory resource. And the default localizer entries are defined with the trailing backslash. So it is recommended to define the path with the trailing backslash as the resource defined in section Defining the directory localizer in a resource file .

Related APIs
  • KTestDir

Error handling

Some methods may leave, for example if running out of memory. Normal Symbian error handling practices should be used, including e.g. using cleanup stack and TRAP harness.

Related APIs
  • TRAP






