TEui64Addr Class Reference
class TEui64Addr : public TSockAddr |
Inherited Functions |
| TBuf8< KMaxSockAddrSize >::TBuf8() |
| TBuf8< KMaxSockAddrSize >::TBuf8(TInt) |
| TBuf8< KMaxSockAddrSize >::TBuf8(const TDesC8 &) |
| TBuf8< KMaxSockAddrSize >::TBuf8(const TUint8 *) |
| TBuf8< KMaxSockAddrSize >::operator=(const TBuf8< S > &) |
| TBuf8< KMaxSockAddrSize >::operator=(const TDesC8 &) |
| TBuf8< KMaxSockAddrSize >::operator=(const TUint8 *) |
| TBufBase8::TBufBase8(TInt) |
| TBufBase8::TBufBase8(TInt,TInt) |
| TBufBase8::TBufBase8(const TDesC8 &,TInt) |
| TBufBase8::TBufBase8(const TUint8 *,TInt) |
| TDes8::Append(TChar) |
| TDes8::Append(const TDesC16 &) |
| TDes8::Append(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::Append(const TUint8 *,TInt) |
| TDes8::AppendFill(TChar,TInt) |
| TDes8::AppendFormat(TRefByValue< const TDesC8 >,...) |
| TDes8::AppendFormat(TRefByValue< const TDesC8 >,TDes8Overflow *,...) |
| TDes8::AppendFormatList(const TDesC8 &,VA_LIST,TDes8Overflow *) |
| TDes8::AppendJustify(const TDesC8 &,TInt,TAlign,TChar) |
| TDes8::AppendJustify(const TDesC8 &,TInt,TInt,TAlign,TChar) |
| TDes8::AppendJustify(const TUint8 *,TInt,TAlign,TChar) |
| TDes8::AppendJustify(const TUint8 *,TInt,TInt,TAlign,TChar) |
| TDes8::AppendNum(TInt64) |
| TDes8::AppendNum(TReal,const TRealFormat &) |
| TDes8::AppendNum(TUint64,TRadix) |
| TDes8::AppendNumFixedWidth(TUint,TRadix,TInt) |
| TDes8::AppendNumFixedWidthUC(TUint,TRadix,TInt) |
| TDes8::AppendNumUC(TUint64,TRadix) |
| TDes8::Capitalize() |
| TDes8::Collapse() |
| TDes8::Collate() |
| TDes8::Copy(const TDesC16 &) |
| TDes8::Copy(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::Copy(const TUint8 *) |
| TDes8::Copy(const TUint8 *,TInt) |
| TDes8::CopyC(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::CopyCP(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::CopyF(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::CopyLC(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::CopyUC(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::Delete(TInt,TInt) |
| TDes8::DoAppendNum(TUint64,TRadix,TUint,TInt) |
| TDes8::DoPadAppendNum(TInt,TInt,const TUint8 *) |
| TDes8::Expand() |
| TDes8::Fill(TChar) |
| TDes8::Fill(TChar,TInt) |
| TDes8::FillZ() |
| TDes8::FillZ(TInt) |
| TDes8::Fold() |
| TDes8::Format(TRefByValue< const TDesC8 >,...) |
| TDes8::FormatList(const TDesC8 &,VA_LIST) |
| TDes8::Insert(TInt,const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::Justify(const TDesC8 &,TInt,TAlign,TChar) |
| TDes8::LeftTPtr(TInt)const |
| TDes8::LowerCase() |
| TDes8::MaxLength()const |
| TDes8::MaxSize()const |
| TDes8::MidTPtr(TInt)const |
| TDes8::MidTPtr(TInt,TInt)const |
| TDes8::Num(TInt64) |
| TDes8::Num(TReal,const TRealFormat &) |
| TDes8::Num(TUint64,TRadix) |
| TDes8::NumFixedWidth(TUint,TRadix,TInt) |
| TDes8::NumFixedWidthUC(TUint,TRadix,TInt) |
| TDes8::NumUC(TUint64,TRadix) |
| TDes8::PtrZ() |
| TDes8::Repeat(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::Repeat(const TUint8 *,TInt) |
| TDes8::Replace(TInt,TInt,const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::RightTPtr(TInt)const |
| TDes8::SetLength(TInt) |
| TDes8::SetMax() |
| TDes8::Swap(TDes8 &) |
| TDes8::TDes8() |
| TDes8::TDes8(TInt,TInt,TInt) |
| TDes8::Trim() |
| TDes8::TrimAll() |
| TDes8::TrimLeft() |
| TDes8::TrimRight() |
| TDes8::UpperCase() |
| TDes8::WPtr()const |
| TDes8::Zero() |
| TDes8::ZeroTerminate() |
| TDes8::operator+=(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::operator=(const TDes8 &) |
| TDes8::operator[](TInt) |
| TDes8::operator[](TInt)const |
| TDesC8::Alloc()const |
| TDesC8::AllocL()const |
| TDesC8::AllocLC()const |
| TDesC8::AtC(TInt)const |
| TDesC8::Compare(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::CompareC(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::CompareF(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::DoSetLength(TInt) |
| TDesC8::Find(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::Find(const TUint8 *,TInt)const |
| TDesC8::FindC(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::FindC(const TUint8 *,TInt)const |
| TDesC8::FindF(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::FindF(const TUint8 *,TInt)const |
| TDesC8::Left(TInt)const |
| TDesC8::Length()const |
| TDesC8::Locate(TChar)const |
| TDesC8::LocateF(TChar)const |
| TDesC8::LocateReverse(TChar)const |
| TDesC8::LocateReverseF(TChar)const |
| TDesC8::Match(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::MatchC(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::MatchF(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::Mid(TInt)const |
| TDesC8::Mid(TInt,TInt)const |
| TDesC8::Ptr()const |
| TDesC8::Right(TInt)const |
| TDesC8::Size()const |
| TDesC8::TDesC8() |
| TDesC8::TDesC8(TInt,TInt) |
| TDesC8::Type()const |
| TDesC8::operator!=(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::operator<(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::operator<=(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::operator==(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::operator>(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::operator>=(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TSockAddr::CmpPort(const TSockAddr &)const |
| TSockAddr::Family()const |
| TSockAddr::GetUserLen() |
| TSockAddr::Port()const |
| TSockAddr::SetFamily(TUint) |
| TSockAddr::SetPort(TUint) |
| TSockAddr::SetUserLen(TInt) |
| TSockAddr::TSockAddr() |
| TSockAddr::TSockAddr(TUint) |
| TSockAddr::UserPtr()const |
Detailed Description
This class specializes the generic socket server address class TSockAddr for the IPv6 Interface Identifier; the Modified EUI-64 address. Value KAfEui64 is used for the protocol family field of the TSockAddr base class.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
TEui64Addr ( )
Constructs a basic IPv6 Interface Identifier. The family is initialized to KafEui64. The port (unused) is initialized to 0. The address is set to zero address.
TEui64Addr ( const TSockAddr & )
Constructs an IPv6 Interface Identifier from TSockAddr. The family of the parameter must be KAfEui64 or 0. The family of the resulting address is KAfEui64. The port (unused) is initialized to 0. The address bytes are copied from the parameter.
TEui64Addr ( const TE64Addr & )
TEui64Addr | ( | const TE64Addr & | aAddr | ) | [inline] |
Constructs an IPv6 Interface Identifier from TE64Addr. The family is initialized to KAfEui64. The port (unused) is initialized to 0. The address bytes are copied from the parameter.
Parameter | Description | aAddr | TE64Addr to be used as initial content. |
Member Function Documentation
AddrLen ( )
IMPORT_C TUint | AddrLen | ( | ) | [protected, static] |
AddrPtr ( )
IMPORT_C SE64Addr * | AddrPtr | ( | ) | const [protected] |
Cast ( const TSockAddr & )
Cast ( const TSockAddr * )
Init ( )
Initializes the TSockAddr parts of an IPv6 Interface Identifier. The family is set to KAfEui64. The port (unused) is initialized to 0. The address bytes are not touched.
IsZero ( )
IMPORT_C TBool | IsZero | ( | ) | const |
Match ( const TEui64Addr & )
SetAddress ( const TE64Addr & )
IMPORT_C void | SetAddress | ( | const TE64Addr & | aAddr | ) | |
Sets the address bytes to given value. The other TSockAddr fields are not touched.