CEikEdwin Class Reference

#include <mw/eikedwin.h>

Link against: pbk2rclengine.lib

class CEikEdwin : public CEikBorderedControl

Inherits from

Protected Attributes
TUint32 iEdwinInternalFlags
TUint32 iEdwinUserFlags
TInt iLastPointerDocPos
CTextLayout *iLayout
TMargins8 iMargins
TInt iNumberOfLines
CPlainText *iText
TInt iTextLimit
CTextView *iTextView
MGraphicsDeviceMap *iZoomFactor
Public Member Enumerations
enumTClipboardFunc { ENoClipboard, ECut, ECopy, EPaste }
enumTEdwinHotKeys { EHotKeyCut, EHotKeyCopy, EHotKeyPaste, EHotKeyUndo, ..., EHotKeyFormatObject }
enumTFindFlags { EFindDirectionUp, EFindWholeWord, EFindCaseSensitive, EFindAgain, ..., EReadOnlyFile }
enumTFlags { EZeroEnumValue, EKeepDocument, ESegmentedStorage, EWidthInPixels, ..., EAvkonEnableSmileySupport }
enumTOwnershipType { EOwnsText, EDoesNotOwnText }
enumTSetContent { EUseText, ECopyText }
Protected Member Enumerations
enumTChunkSize { EChunkWord, EChunkPara }
enumTEikEdwinFlags { ERichText, EDragDouble, ELeftDownInViewRect, ENumericCharacters, ..., ESkipBackgroundDrawer }
enumTEnd { EStart, EEnd }
Public Member Functions
CEikEdwin(const TGulBorder &)
virtual IMPORT_C voidActivateL()
IMPORT_C voidAddEdwinObserverL(MEikEdwinObserver *)
IMPORT_C voidAddFlagToUserFlags(TUint32)
TBool AdjustCursorForSmileyL(TInt, TCursorSelection &)
TRect AdjustDrawRectForSmiley(const TRect &)
IMPORT_C TIntAknEditorCurrentInputMode()
IMPORT_C TIntAknEditorFlags()
IMPORT_C TIntAknEdwinFlags()
TInt AvgCharsPerLine()
TInt AvgLinesInViewRect()
IMPORT_C voidCalculateWidth(TInt)
IMPORT_C TBoolCanUndo()
IMPORT_C voidCancelFepTransaction()
IMPORT_C TBoolCcpuCanCopy()
IMPORT_C TBoolCcpuCanCut()
IMPORT_C TBoolCcpuCanPaste()
IMPORT_C TBoolCcpuCanUndo()
IMPORT_C voidCcpuCopyL()
IMPORT_C voidCcpuCutL()
IMPORT_C TBoolCcpuIsFocused()
IMPORT_C voidCcpuPasteL()
IMPORT_C voidCcpuUndoL()
IMPORT_C voidCheckNotReadOnlyL()
IMPORT_C voidCheckRemovePictures(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCheckValidityOfChars(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidClearSelectionL()
IMPORT_C voidClearUndo()
IMPORT_C voidClipboardL(TClipboardFunc)
virtual IMPORT_C voidConstructFromResourceL(TResourceReader &)
IMPORT_C voidConstructL(TInt, TInt, TInt, TInt)
TBool ContentFitsToViewRect()
voidConvertSmileyIconToTextL(TInt, TDes &)
IMPORT_C voidCopyToStoreL(CStreamStore &, CStreamDictionary &)
IMPORT_C TIntCountWords()
CEikScrollBarFrame *CreatePreAllocatedScrollBarFrameL()
IMPORT_C CEikScrollBarFrame *CreateScrollBarFrameL()
IMPORT_C voidCreateTextViewL()
IMPORT_C TIntCursorPos()
virtual IMPORT_C voidDraw(const TRect &)
voidDrawSmileyInTextL(RRegion &, const TRect &, CBitmapContext &, CFont &, const TDesC &, const TPoint &)
TRgb EditorBackgroundColor(TRgb &)
CAknEdwinState *EditorState()
IMPORT_C voidEnableCcpuSupportL(TBool)
IMPORT_C voidEnableKineticScrollingL(TBool)
IMPORT_C voidEnableKineticScrollingL(CAknPhysics *)
HBufC *ExtractTextLC(TCursorSelection)
IMPORT_C TBoolFindL(const TDesC *, TInt)
IMPORT_C TIntFindTextL(const TDesC *, TInt, TInt)
virtual IMPORT_C voidFocusChanged(TDrawNow)
IMPORT_C voidForceScrollBarUpdateL()
virtual IMPORT_C voidGetColorUseListL(CArrayFix< TCoeColorUse > &)
IMPORT_C voidGetFindText(TDes *)
IMPORT_C voidGetText(TDes &)
IMPORT_C HBufC *GetTextInHBufL()
IMPORT_C TRectGetTextLinesRect()
IMPORT_C voidGetWordInfo(TInt, TInt &, TInt &)
virtual IMPORT_C voidHandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent &)
virtual IMPORT_C voidHandleResourceChange(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidHandleScrollEventL(CEikScrollBar *, TEikScrollEvent)
voidHandleScrollEventWithPhysics(CEikScrollBar *)
IMPORT_C voidHandleTextChangedL()
TAknsHighlightStyle HighlightStyle()
IMPORT_C TIntIdleL(TAny *)
virtual IMPORT_C TCoeInputCapabilitiesInputCapabilities()
IMPORT_C voidInsertDeleteCharsL(TInt, const TDesC &, const TCursorSelection &)
IMPORT_C voidInsertFieldL(CTextField *, TUid)
IMPORT_C voidInsertFromTextFileL(const TFileName &, const CPlainText::TTextOrganisation)
IMPORT_C TBoolIsBackgroundDrawingSuppressed()
IMPORT_C TBoolIsReadOnly()
TBool IsSmileyEnabled()
TBool KineticScrollingEnabled()
IMPORT_C TIntLayoutWidth()
virtual IMPORT_C TIntLineCursorWidth()
IMPORT_C TIntLowerPartialFormattingLength()
IMPORT_C TMargins8Margins()
TInt MaxLength()
IMPORT_C TIntMaximumHeight()
IMPORT_C TIntMaximumHeightInLines()
IMPORT_C TIntMinimumHeight()
virtual IMPORT_C TSizeMinimumSize()
IMPORT_C voidMoveCursorL(TCursorPosition::TMovementType, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidMoveDisplayL(TCursorPosition::TMovementType)
IMPORT_C TNonPrintingCharVisibilityNonPrintingCharsVisibility()
IMPORT_C voidNotifyEditorStateObserverOfStateChangeL()
IMPORT_C voidNotifyNewDocumentL()
IMPORT_C voidNotifyNewFormatL()
virtual IMPORT_C TKeyResponseOfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent &, TEventCode)
voidOnEditorStateFlagChange(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidOnReformatL(const CTextView *)
IMPORT_C voidPasteFromStoreL(CStreamStore &, CStreamDictionary &)
const TCallBack &PictographAnimationCallBack()
TInt PixelsOutOfBorder()
IMPORT_C voidReceiveDataOverIrL()
IMPORT_C voidRemoveEdwinObserver(MEikEdwinObserver *)
IMPORT_C voidRemoveFlagFromUserFlags(TUint32)
IMPORT_C voidReplaceAllL(SEdwinFindModel *)
IMPORT_C voidReplaceL(SEdwinFindModel *)
IMPORT_C voidRunCharMapDialogL()
CEikScrollBarFrame *ScrollBarFrame()
TInt ScrollView(TInt, TBool &, TInt &)
TInt ScrollViewWithBounce(TInt, TBool &, TInt &)
IMPORT_C voidSelectAllL()
IMPORT_C TCursorSelectionSelection()
IMPORT_C TIntSelectionLength()
IMPORT_C voidSendDataOverIrL()
IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorAllowedInputModes(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorCase(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorCurrentCase(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorCurrentInputMode(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorFlags(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorInputMode(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorLocalLanguage(TLanguage)
IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorNumericKeymap(TAknEditorNumericKeymap)
IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorPermittedCaseModes(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorSpecialCharacterTable(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetAlignment(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetAllowPictures(TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetAllowUndo(TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetAmountToFormatL(TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetAmountToFormatL(TBool, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetAvkonWrap(TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetBackgroundColorL(TRgb)
IMPORT_C voidSetBorderViewMargins(TMargins8)
IMPORT_C voidSetCharFormatLayer(CCharFormatLayer *)
IMPORT_C voidSetContainerWindowL()
virtual IMPORT_C voidSetContainerWindowL(const CCoeControl &)
IMPORT_C voidSetCursorPosL(TInt, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetCursorVisible(TBool)
virtual IMPORT_C voidSetDimmed(TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetDocumentContentL(CGlobalText &, TSetContent)
IMPORT_C voidSetDocumentOwnership(TOwnershipType)
IMPORT_C voidSetEdwinObserver(MEikEdwinObserver *)
IMPORT_C voidSetEdwinSizeObserver(MEikEdwinSizeObserver *)
IMPORT_C voidSetHighlightStyleL(TAknsHighlightStyle)
IMPORT_C voidSetInputCapabilitiesL(const TCoeInputCapabilities &)
IMPORT_C voidSetMaximumHeight(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetMaximumHeightInLines(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetMinimumHeight(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetNonPrintingCharsVisibility(TNonPrintingCharVisibility)
IMPORT_C voidSetOnlyASCIIChars(TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetParaFormatLayer(CParaFormatLayer *)
IMPORT_C voidSetPasteFromIrStore(TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetPictographAnimationCallBack(TCallBack &)
IMPORT_C voidSetReadOnly(TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetRightWrapGutter(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetScrollRect(const TRect &)
IMPORT_C voidSetSelectionL(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetSkinBackgroundControlContextL(MAknsControlContext *)
IMPORT_C voidSetSuppressBackgroundDrawing(TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetSuppressFormatting(TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetSuppressNotifyDraw(TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetTextL(const TDesC *)
IMPORT_C voidSetTextLimit(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetTextLinesRect(const TRect &)
IMPORT_C voidSetTextSkinColorIdL(TInt)
IMPORT_C TBoolSetUndoBufferL(const TCursorSelection &)
IMPORT_C voidSetUndoableText(const TCursorSelection &)
IMPORT_C voidSetUpperFullFormattingLength(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetWordDelimiters(TBool, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetWordWrapL(TBool)
IMPORT_C voidSetWysiwygModeOff()
IMPORT_C voidSetWysiwygModeOn(TInt, MGraphicsDeviceMap *)
IMPORT_C voidSetZoomFactorL(TZoomFactor *)
MAknsControlContext *SkinBackgroundControlContext()
TInt SkinColorId()
TBool SkinEnabled()
TBool SkipBackgroundDrawer()
IMPORT_C TBoolSupportsUndo()
IMPORT_C CPlainText *Text()
IMPORT_C CTextLayout *TextLayout()
IMPORT_C TIntTextLength()
IMPORT_C CTextView *TextView()
IMPORT_C voidUndoL()
IMPORT_C voidUpdateAllFieldsL()
IMPORT_C voidUpdateCurrentFieldL()
IMPORT_C voidUpdateLayoutWidth(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidUpdateScrollBarsL()
IMPORT_C TIntUpperFullFormattingLength()
IMPORT_C TUint32UserFlags()
virtual IMPORT_C voidWriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream &)
Protected Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidBaseConstructL()
IMPORT_C voidCancelInsertCharFormat()
IMPORT_C voidCancelSelectionL(TEnd)
IMPORT_C voidCheckEdwinExtensionL()
virtual IMPORT_C voidCopyDocumentContentL(CGlobalText &, CGlobalText &)
virtual IMPORT_C CLafEdwinCustomDrawBase *CreateCustomDrawL()
IMPORT_C voidCreateLayoutL(MLayDoc *)
IMPORT_C voidCreateTextAndLayoutL(CParaFormatLayer *, CCharFormatLayer *)
IMPORT_C TIntDeleteHighlightL(TBool &, TBool, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidDeleteL(TBool &, const TCursorSelection &, TBool, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidDisplayFindTextNotFound(TDes &)
IMPORT_C voidDrawContents()
IMPORT_C voidEditObserver(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C CEikEdwinExtension *EdwinExtension()
IMPORT_C voidFormatTextL()
IMPORT_C voidHandleSizeChangedL()
virtual IMPORT_C voidHandleTextPastedL(TInt, TInt &)
IMPORT_C TTypeUid::PtrMopSupplyObject(TTypeUid)
IMPORT_C voidMoveCursorToChunkStartL(TBool, TChunkSize, TEnd)
IMPORT_C TBoolOkToDeleteSelectionL()
IMPORT_C voidPlaceDataOnClipboardL()
IMPORT_C voidReadAknResourceL(TResourceReader &)
IMPORT_C voidReportEdwinEventL(MEikEdwinObserver::TEdwinEvent)
IMPORT_C voidSetLineCursorDetailsL()
IMPORT_C voidTrappedDraw(const TRect &)
IMPORT_C voidTrappedSizeChanged()
Inherited Attributes
Inherited Enumerations
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
CCoeControl::CCoeControl(CCoeEnv *)
CCoeControl::CCoeControl(const CCoeControl &)
CCoeControl::CopyControlContextFrom(const CCoeControl *)
CCoeControl::CreateBackedUpWindowL(RWindowTreeNode &)
CCoeControl::CreateBackedUpWindowL(RWindowTreeNode &,TDisplayMode)
CCoeControl::CreateWindowL(RWindowGroup *)
CCoeControl::CreateWindowL(RWindowTreeNode &)
CCoeControl::CreateWindowL(const CCoeControl *)
CCoeControl::DrawBackground(const TRect &)const
CCoeControl::DrawForeground(const TRect &)const
CCoeControl::DrawNow(const TRect &)const
CCoeControl::GetColor(TInt,TRgb &)const
CCoeControl::GetHelpContext(TCoeHelpContext &)const
CCoeControl::HandleControlArrayEventL(CCoeControlArray::TEvent,const CCoeControlArray *,CCoeControl *,TInt)
CCoeControl::HandleRedrawEvent(const TRect &)const
CCoeControl::Index(const CCoeControl *)const
CCoeControl::NotifyFontChange(const CCoeFontProvider *)
CCoeControl::ProcessPointerEventL(const TPointerEvent &)
CCoeControl::RecursivelyMergeInputCapabilities(TCoeInputCapabilities &)const
CCoeControl::RequestRelayout(const CCoeControl *)
CCoeControl::ScreenFont(const TCoeFont &)const
CCoeControl::SetBackground(const MCoeControlBackground *)
CCoeControl::SetContainerWindowL(RBackedUpWindow &)
CCoeControl::SetContainerWindowL(RWindow &)
CCoeControl::SetControlContext(MCoeControlContext *)
CCoeControl::SetCornerAndSize(TGulAlignment,const TSize &)
CCoeControl::SetCustomGc(CWindowGc *)
CCoeControl::SetExtent(const TPoint &,const TSize &)
CCoeControl::SetFontProviderL(const CCoeFontProvider &)
CCoeControl::SetGc(CWindowGc *)const
CCoeControl::SetHitTest(const MCoeControlHitTest *)
CCoeControl::SetLayoutManagerL(MCoeLayoutManager *)
CCoeControl::SetMopParent(MObjectProvider *)
CCoeControl::SetNeighbor(CCoeControl *)
CCoeControl::SetObserver(MCoeControlObserver *)
CCoeControl::SetParent(CCoeControl *)
CCoeControl::SetPosition(const TPoint &)
CCoeControl::SetRect(const TRect &)
CCoeControl::SetSize(const TSize &)
CCoeControl::SetSizeWithoutNotification(const TSize &)
CCoeControl::TextBaselineOffset(const TSize &)const
CCoeControl::WriteInternalStateNowL(RWriteStream &)const
CCoeControl::operator=(const CCoeControl &)
CEikBorderedControl::CEikBorderedControl(const TGulBorder &)

Detailed Description

Base class for controls that display and allow manipulation of text.

The properties of a particular Edwin object can be set using bitwise flags, which are defined in member enums (see TFlags for example).

Edwins support Front End Processors, and so are a highly effective way of getting textual data from the user. The text currently being composed by the user is called the composition text.

Member Attribute Documentation


TUint32 iEdwinInternalFlags[protected]

Internal Edwin flags.


TUint32 iEdwinUserFlags[protected]

Edwin user flags.


TInt iLastPointerDocPos[protected]

Cursor position.


CTextLayout *iLayout[protected]

Edwin's text layout.


TMargins8 iMargins[protected]

Edwin's margins.


TInt iNumberOfLines[protected]

Number of lines in Edwin.


CPlainText *iText[protected]

Edwin's text content.


TInt iTextLimit[protected]

Maximum length ot the edwin.


CTextView *iTextView[protected]

Edwin's text view.


MGraphicsDeviceMap *iZoomFactor[protected]

Current zoom factor.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Enum TChunkSize

Specifies the chunk size as either a word, or a paragraph.


A word.


A paragraph.

Enum TClipboardFunc

Defines the possible commands for ClipboardL().


Do nothing.







Enum TEdwinHotKeys

Enumerates the hotkeys that are defined an r_eik_edwin_ctrl_hotkeys or r_eik_edwin_shift_ctrl_hotkeys resource.

Not all are applicable to plain text editors.












Insert a character.










Insert an object.


Edit an object.


Format an object.

Enum TEikEdwinFlags

Specifies the chunk size as either a word, or a paragraph.


Rich text editor used.


For double item dragging.


If set, indicates the pointer being pressed inside the editor rectangle.


Used to calculate initial width.


Edwin has one line and is not resizable.


Custom formatter is installed to find and format phone numbers (CEikRichTextEditor only).


Enum TEnd

Specifies the end points of the editable area.


The start of the editable area.


The end of the editable area.

Enum TFindFlags

The following flags may be ORed together for text searches (see FindL() for example).


Search progresses up the screen.


Only whole-word matches count.


Search is case-sensitive.


Finds again.


Does not display a busy message.


Enum TFlags

The following flags may be combined with a bitwise OR to form the aEdwinFlags argument to ConstructL(TInt, ...) or the flags field of an EDWIN resource structure run through ConstructFromResourceL().

These flags are duplicated in uikon.hrh (see EEikEdwinKeepDocument etc.)


If set, CEikEdwin does not destroy its content on destruction.


If set, the content buffer uses segmented storage (see CEditableText::ESegmentedStorage).


The size specified in the resource used to construct the object is given in pixels, not character widths.


No automatic selection takes place. Normally the entire text is selected whenever the Edwin is created, resized or has its text set as one operation.


If set, then whenever the control is activated the cursor is moved to the end of the text.


Does not wrap the text being edited.


Uses a line cursor instead of a block cursor.


Does not perform horizontal scrolling.


If set, scroll bars required to edit long documents appear inside the Edwin. This reduces the area used to display the Edwin.

If not set, scroll bars appear outside the Edwin.


Sets the Edwin s height according to the number of lines of text supplied by the user.


The Edwin is a window-owning control.


The Edwin does not respond to input at all.


Does not hide the selection if the Edwin loses focus.


The Edwin is read-only so users cannot add text to any document it displays.


If set, no special attempt will be made to delete the embedded pictures cleanly.

This flag does not apply to Edwins which do not edit rich text.


The Edwin supports undo operations.


Does not allow line or paragraph breaks in the text being edited.


Allows only ASCII characters.


The Edwin is resizable.


The Edwin ignores the virtual cursor.


No custom draw is done.


Changes layout to Avkon style.


Hides cursor.


Changes text editor to non-editable mode.


Sets the Avkon wrapping rules ON.


Enables tab key handling


Disable VKB input


Enable Smiley Support

Enum TOwnershipType

Specifies whether the Edwin owns the document it is being used to edit.

If the Edwin owns the document, the document object is destroyed on destruction.


Document is owned by the Edwin.


Document is owned by some other object.

Enum TSetContent

When content is supplied to an Edwin using SetDocumentContentL(), this defines whether the new content is added to or has replaced the existing content.


Replaces the Edwin s existing content.


Copies the supplied content into the existing content.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CEikEdwin ( )


C++ default constructor.

Creates a new Edwin, FEP support for the new editor will not be present if there is insufficient memory.

CEikEdwin ( const TGulBorder & )

IMPORT_CCEikEdwin(const TGulBorder &aBorder)


Creates a new Edwin, specifying the border to use. As with the default constructor, FEP support for the new editor will not be present if there is insufficient memory. S60 Edwin does not support / draw any borders.

aBorderThe Edwin border.

~CEikEdwin ( )



Deletes objects and frees resources owned by this object. The Edwin s editable text is freed if the EKeepDocument flag is not set.

Member Function Documentation

ActivateL ( )

IMPORT_C voidActivateL()[virtual]

Reimplemented from CCoeControl::ActivateL()

From CCoeControl.

Sets the Edwin as ready for drawing.


AddEdwinObserverL ( MEikEdwinObserver * )

IMPORT_C voidAddEdwinObserverL(MEikEdwinObserver *aEdwinObserver)

Adds an observer of standard Edwin events to the list of observers, creating the list if necessary. May be called any number of times and is independent of calls to SetEdwinObserver.

aEdwinObserverThe observer to add to the list of observers.

AddFlagToUserFlags ( TUint32 )

IMPORT_C voidAddFlagToUserFlags(TUint32aFlag)

Adds user flags. See TFlags.

aFlagFlags to add.

AdjustCursorForSmileyL ( TInt, TCursorSelection & )

TBool AdjustCursorForSmileyL(TIntaOldCursor,
TCursorSelection &aSelect

AdjustDrawRectForSmiley ( const TRect & )

TRect AdjustDrawRectForSmiley(const TRect &aRect)const

AknEditorCurrentInputMode ( )

IMPORT_C TIntAknEditorCurrentInputMode()

Returns the input mode that has been saved to editor state.

S60 2.6

Returns: Input Mode that is saved to editor state.

AknEditorFlags ( )

IMPORT_C TIntAknEditorFlags()

Gets editor flags from the editor.

Returns: editor flags if existed return KErrNotFound

AknEdwinFlags ( )

IMPORT_C TIntAknEdwinFlags()const

Gets edwin's flags from CAknEdwinState.

Returns: The control's flags.

AvgCharsPerLine ( )

TInt AvgCharsPerLine()const [inline]

Gets the average number of characters on a line.

Returns: The average number of characters on a line.

AvgLinesInViewRect ( )

TInt AvgLinesInViewRect()const [inline]

Gets the average number of lines shown in Edwin s view.

Returns: The average number of lines.

BaseConstructL ( )

IMPORT_C voidBaseConstructL()[protected]

Completes the second-phase construction of a CEikEdwin object. This protected function is called by ConstructL() and ConstructFromResourceL() after the Edwin s size, flags and text limit have been set. Derived classes should call either this function or CEikEdwin s ConstructL() or ConstructFromResourceL() functions during their construction before initialising their own members.

CalculateWidth ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidCalculateWidth(TIntaWidthInChars)

Recalculates the screen width of an Edwin from the specified number of character widths. This is called during construction. If the Edwin only allows editing of numbers, the width of the zero character (0) is used; otherwise CFont::MaxNormalCharWidthInPixels() is used.

If the EWidthInPixels flag has been set, the aWidthInChars argument is measured in pixels, not characters.

aWidthInCharsWidth in either pixels or characters.

CanUndo ( )

IMPORT_C TBoolCanUndo()const

Tests whether an undo is possible. Returns ETrue only if the undo store is available to Edwin.

Returns: ETrue if the undo store is available. EFalse if the undo store is not available.

CancelFepTransaction ( )

IMPORT_C voidCancelFepTransaction()

Cancels any current transaction with the Edwin s front-end processor. Any front-end input windows are removed, and any highlighted text being edited in the Edwin is removed. The Edwin is rolled back to the state it was in before the FEP transaction started. This function is called by CEikEdwin itself when the document content, the cursor position or the current selection is changed.

Cancelling outstanding FEP transactions before performing operations on the text programmatically is particularly important when the front-end processor is inline-editing an Edwin.

CancelInsertCharFormat ( )

IMPORT_C voidCancelInsertCharFormat()[protected]

Cancels the insertion of a character format. This can be used for rich text only.

CancelSelectionL ( TEnd )

IMPORT_C voidCancelSelectionL(TEndaEndOfSelectionToLeaveCursor)[protected]

Cancels the selection and any FEP composition text. This function then repositions the cursor at the specified end of the currently selected text.

aEndOfSelectionToLeaveCursorThe end of the current selection at which the cursor is repositioned.

CcpuCanCopy ( )

IMPORT_C TBoolCcpuCanCopy()const

Tests whether the selected text can be copied.

Returns: ETrue if it is possible to copy the selected text.

CcpuCanCut ( )

IMPORT_C TBoolCcpuCanCut()const

Tests whether the selected text can be cut.

Returns: ETrue if it is possible to cut the selected text.

CcpuCanPaste ( )

IMPORT_C TBoolCcpuCanPaste()const

Tests whether text can be pasted from the clipboard.

Returns: ETrue if it is possible to paste the clipboard text.

CcpuCanUndo ( )

IMPORT_C TBoolCcpuCanUndo()const

Tests is it possible to undo previous operation.

Returns: ETrue if it is possible to undo previous operation.

CcpuCopyL ( )

IMPORT_C voidCcpuCopyL()

Copies selected text.

CcpuCutL ( )

IMPORT_C voidCcpuCutL()

Cuts selected text.

CcpuIsFocused ( )

IMPORT_C TBoolCcpuIsFocused()const

Tests whether the editor is focused.

Returns: If editor is focused, ETrue is returned.

CcpuPasteL ( )

IMPORT_C voidCcpuPasteL()

Pastes text from the clipboard to the editor.

CcpuUndoL ( )

IMPORT_C voidCcpuUndoL()

Undoes the most recent text operation when the Edwin supports this feature and when the undo store is not empty

CheckEdwinExtensionL ( )

IMPORT_C voidCheckEdwinExtensionL()[protected]

Checks that is Edwin's extension created. If not, it will be created.

KErrNoMemory If the Edwin FEP support pointer is NULL.

CheckNotReadOnlyL ( )

IMPORT_C voidCheckNotReadOnlyL()

Determines whether the document being edited is read only. Displays a message with CEikonEnv::InfoMsg() if the document is set as read-only.

CheckRemovePictures ( TInt, TInt )

IMPORT_C voidCheckRemovePictures(TIntaStartPos,

Removes unwanted pictures. If EAllowPictures has been set, returns immediately. Otherwise, this function checks the document text between two bounds and removes all pictures in that range.

aStartPosWhere to start looking for unwanted pictures.
aLengthWhere to stop.

CheckValidityOfChars ( TInt, TInt )

IMPORT_C voidCheckValidityOfChars(TIntaStartPos,

Removes all non-ASCII characters from the specified text. This can be used to remove Unicode characters where they are not valid characters for example.

aStartPosThe start position in the text.
aLengthThe number of characters, beginning with aStartPos to check.

ClearSelectionL ( )

IMPORT_C voidClearSelectionL()

Removes the selection and any composition text. The cursor position is unaffected. If there is no selected region, this function has no effect.

ClearUndo ( )

IMPORT_C voidClearUndo()

Deletes the undo store.

ClipboardL ( TClipboardFunc )

IMPORT_C voidClipboardL(TClipboardFuncaClipboardFunc)

Handles cut, copy and paste commands. This function also reports a change of state of the control to the observer when necessary.

aClipboardFuncClipboard operation.

ConstructFromResourceL ( TResourceReader & )

IMPORT_C voidConstructFromResourceL(TResourceReader &aReader)[virtual]

From CCoeControl.

Completes the construction of a new Edwin. This function initialises the heap-stored members from an EDWIN resource.

aReaderA reader positioned for reading from an EDWIN resource.

ConstructL ( TInt, TInt, TInt, TInt )

IMPORT_C voidConstructL(TIntaEdwinFlags = 0,
TIntaWidthInChars = 0,
TIntaTextLimit = 0,
TIntaNumberOfLines = 0

Handles Symbian 2nd phase construction. Completes construction of a new Edwin, initialising its heap-stored members from the supplied arguments.

aEdwinFlagsBitwise ORed combination of flags from TFlags. Default value is 0.
aWidthInCharsSpecifies the width for the Edwin, in characters or pixels: see the EWidthInPixels flag. Default value is 0.
aTextLimitMaximum length for the text to present as editable. Default value is 0.
aNumberOfLinesHeight for the Edwin, in lines. Default value is 0.

ContentFitsToViewRect ( )

TBool ContentFitsToViewRect()const

Returns ETrue if editor content fits to view rect.

Returns: ETrue if editor content fits to view rect.

ConvertSmileyIconToTextL ( TInt, TDes & )

TDes &aText

ConvertVisibleTextForSmileyL ( TBool )


CopyDocumentContentL ( CGlobalText &, CGlobalText & )

IMPORT_C voidCopyDocumentContentL(CGlobalText &aInText,
CGlobalText &aOutText
)[protected, virtual]

Replaces the current Edwin text.

aInTextText with which the current text is replaced.
aOutTextOn return, the replaced text.

CopyToStoreL ( CStreamStore &, CStreamDictionary & )

IMPORT_C voidCopyToStoreL(CStreamStore &aStore,
CStreamDictionary &aDict

Copies the highlighted text into a stream store.

aStoreStore to write to.
aDictStream dictionary.

CountWords ( )

IMPORT_C TIntCountWords()

Counts and returns the number of words in the document.

Returns: The number of words in the document.

CreateCustomDrawL ( )

IMPORT_C CLafEdwinCustomDrawBase *CreateCustomDrawL()[protected, virtual]

Creates a new CLafEdwinCustomDrawBase instance.

Returns: Pointer to new custom CLafEdwinCustomDrawBase object.

CreateLayoutL ( MLayDoc * )

IMPORT_C voidCreateLayoutL(MLayDoc *aLayDoc)[protected]

Creates new text layout.

aLayDocPointer to the MLayDoc implementation that is the source of the text and formatting information.

CreatePreAllocatedScrollBarFrameL ( )

CEikScrollBarFrame *CreatePreAllocatedScrollBarFrameL()[inline]

Creates a pre-allocated scroll bar frame.

Returns: Pre-allocated scroll bar frame.

CreateScrollBarFrameL ( )

IMPORT_C CEikScrollBarFrame *CreateScrollBarFrameL()

Creates the Edwin scroll bar frame with no pre-allocation of memory for scroll bars.

Returns: The scroll bar frame.

CreateTextAndLayoutL ( CParaFormatLayer *, CCharFormatLayer * )

IMPORT_C voidCreateTextAndLayoutL(CParaFormatLayer *aParaFormatLayer,
CCharFormatLayer *aCharFormatLayer

Creates new instance of CGlobalText and text layout based on it.

aParaFormatLayerParagraph format layer pointer for CGlobalText constructor.
aCharFormatLayerCharacter format layer pointer for CGlobalText constructor.

CreateTextViewL ( )

IMPORT_C voidCreateTextViewL()

Allocates memory for the Edwin text view.

CursorPos ( )

IMPORT_C TIntCursorPos()const

Gets the cursor s position within the document.

Returns: The cursor s position within the document.

DeleteHighlightL ( TBool &, TBool, TBool )

IMPORT_C TIntDeleteHighlightL(TBool &aChanged,
TBoolaIsBackSpace = EFalse,
TBoolaPromptConfirmation = ETrue

Deletes the text under the cursor selection, also cancelling the selection. This function asks the user to confirm this action if aPromptConfirmation is ETrue.

aChangedOn return, ETrue if the text was changed.
aIsBackSpaceETrue if this is in response to backspace being pressed. Determines whether character formatting is preserved or not. Default value is EFalse.
aPromptConfirmationOptional. ETrue to ask the user to confirm this action. Default value is ETrue.

Returns: The cursor position in the text after deletion.

DeleteL ( TBool &, const TCursorSelection &, TBool, TBool )

IMPORT_C voidDeleteL(TBool &aChanged,
const TCursorSelection &aSelection,
TBoolaIsBackSpace = EFalse,
TBoolaAllowUndo = ETrue

Deletes the cursor s selection. If no selection is made, this function deletes only one character. The argument aIsBackSpace determines whether to preserve the character formatting or not.

aChangedOn return, ETrue if the text was changed.
aSelectionThe cursor selection describing the position to be deleted.
aIsBackSpaceETrue if this in response to backspace being pressed. Determines whether character formatting is preserved or not.
aAllowUndoETrue if the user is permitted to undo this change.

DisplayFindTextNotFound ( TDes & )

IMPORT_C voidDisplayFindTextNotFound(TDes &aFindText)[protected]

Displays an information message to indicate that the specified text could not be found. The information message is constructed from R_EIK_TBUF_CANNOT_FIND_TEXT.

aFindTextThe text that could not be found.

Draw ( const TRect & )

IMPORT_C voidDraw(const TRect &aRect)const [virtual]

From CCoeControl.

Draws the control on request.

aRectIf supplied, the rectangle in which to draw the Edwin.

DrawContents ( )

IMPORT_C voidDrawContents()[protected]

Draws the visible text and the cursor.

DrawSmileyInTextL ( RRegion &, const TRect &, CBitmapContext &, CFont &, const TDesC &, const TPoint & )

voidDrawSmileyInTextL(RRegion &rgn,
const TRect &aDrawRect,
CBitmapContext &aGc,
CFont &aFont,
const TDesC &aText,
const TPoint &aPt

DrawTextView ( )


Redraws text view. Used for pictograph animations.

DrawViewBackground ( TBool )


Draws background to the whole view area. Call with parameter value ETrue must be followed by a call with EFalse or otherwise window's redraw isn't ended properly and graphics context is not deactivated.

aStartIf true then window area occupied by editor's view is invalidated and redraw is began. Also graphics context is activated. EFalse ends the redraw and deactivates graphics context.

EditObserver ( TInt, TInt )

IMPORT_C voidEditObserver(TIntaStartEdit,

From MEditObserver.

Observer function called by the CRichText object when the object is edited to give notification of changes to its text buffer. In this way, the control knows how the text object has changed and can reformat and redraw the text object appropriately.

aStartEditThe start position of the edit.
aEditLengthThe number of characters added or, if negative, deleted after this position.

EditorBackgroundColor ( TRgb & )

TRgb EditorBackgroundColor(TRgb &aConditionalColor)const

Called to determine the background color to draw. It is not to be used if skinning is being used to draw the background.

This API can be used two ways:

i) If the caller has a default color to offer (to be used as a fallback if SetBackgroundColorL has not been called), then he should use the Input/Output parameter aConditionalColor, and ignore the return value. The output parameter will only be over-written by the set background color if SetBackgroundColorL has been called.

ii) If the caller does not have a default color to offer, then he should pass in a dummy input parameter and use the return value.

aConditionalColorOutput parameter. Returns a color set by SetBackgroundColorL. It is unchanged if background color has not been set by SetBackgroundColorL

Returns: TRgb for the color to be used for background.

EditorState ( )

CAknEdwinState *EditorState()const

Gets the editor state.

Returns: Pointer to editor state object.

EdwinExtension ( )

IMPORT_C CEikEdwinExtension *EdwinExtension()[protected]

Gets Edwin's extension.

Returns: Pointer to Edwin's extension.

EnableCcpuSupportL ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidEnableCcpuSupportL(TBoolaSupport)

Enables or disables CCPU interface provided functionalities (cut, copy, paste and undo).

aSupportCCPU support enabled if ETrue.

EnableKineticScrollingL ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidEnableKineticScrollingL(TBoolaEnable)

Enables kinetic scrolling in editor.

Note that when kinetic scrolling is enabled, it is no longer possible to disable it with this function.

S60 v5.2
aEnableETrue if kinetic scrolling should be enabled.

EnableKineticScrollingL ( CAknPhysics * )

IMPORT_C voidEnableKineticScrollingL(CAknPhysics *aPhysics)

Enables kinetic scrolling in editor with external CAknPhysics instance.

Note that when kinetic scrolling is enabled, it is no longer possible to disable it with this function.

S60 v5.2
aPhysicsPointer to external CAknPhysics instance.

EnableSmileySupportL ( TBool )


ExtractTextLC ( TCursorSelection )

HBufC *ExtractTextLC(TCursorSelectionaSelect)

FindL ( const TDesC *, TInt )

IMPORT_C TBoolFindL(const TDesC *aFindText,
TIntaFindFlags = 0

Gets true if a substring is present in the text being edited before or after the cursor position. If aFindText is NULL, then the current word or selection will be searched for again.

aFindTextThe substring to search for.
aFindFlagsSee TFindFlags. Default value is 0.

Returns: ETrue if aFindText is found.

FindTextL ( const TDesC *, TInt, TInt )

IMPORT_C TIntFindTextL(const TDesC *aFindText,

Gets the cursor position of the matching text in the document. The search starts from aPos. If aFindText is NULL, then the current word or selection will be searched for. If the substring cannot be found, this function returns KErrNotFound.

aFindTextThe substring to search for.
aPosStarting position for the find.
aFindFlagsSee TFindFlags.

Returns: KErrNotFound if the text was not found, otherwise the position of the matched substring.

FocusChanged ( TDrawNow )

IMPORT_C voidFocusChanged(TDrawNowaDrawNow)[virtual]

From CCoeControl.

Responds to focus-changed events.

aDrawNowNot used.

ForceScrollBarUpdateL ( )

IMPORT_C voidForceScrollBarUpdateL()

Forces the scrollbars to update now; this is a synchronous function.

FormatTextL ( )

IMPORT_C voidFormatTextL()[protected]

Formats all the text in the text view. Called by several functions, for example by CEikEdwin::HandleTextChangedL() and CEikEdwin::SetTextL().

GetColorUseListL ( CArrayFix< TCoeColorUse > & )

IMPORT_C voidGetColorUseListL(CArrayFix< TCoeColorUse > &aColorUseList)const [virtual]

From CCoeControl.

Gets the list of logical colours employed in the drawing of the control, paired with an explanation of how they are used. Appends the list to aColorUseList.

aColorUseListThe list of logical colours.

GetFindText ( TDes * )

IMPORT_C voidGetFindText(TDes *aFindText)

Gets the current word or selection and searches for it. This function is called by FindL() and FindTextL() when no text to search for is given.

aFindTextAn empty descriptor.

GetText ( TDes & )

IMPORT_C voidGetText(TDes &aDes)const

Copies the entire document s content into a descriptor. It is the caller's responsibility to provide a large enough buffer.

aDesAn initialised descriptor which on return contains a copy of the content of this Edwin.

GetTextInHBufL ( )

IMPORT_C HBufC *GetTextInHBufL()const

Gets a new buffer containing a copy of the whole text document.

Returns: A new copy of the document text.

GetTextLinesRect ( )

IMPORT_C TRectGetTextLinesRect()const

Gets the rectangle set for drawing only full lines. In case the feature is disabled, this returns an empty rect. This is intended for internal use.

Returns: The rect which contains text lines to be drawn

GetWordInfo ( TInt, TInt &, TInt & )

IMPORT_C voidGetWordInfo(TIntaCurrentPos,
TInt &aStartPos,
TInt &aLength

Gets the start position and the length of the word in which the specified document position is located.

aCurrentPosA position within a word in the text.
aStartPosReturns the start position of the word.
aLengthReturns the word s length.

HandlePointerEventL ( const TPointerEvent & )

IMPORT_C voidHandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent &aPointerEvent)[virtual]

From CCoeControl.

Handles pointer events.

aPointerEventPointer event to respond to.

HandleResourceChange ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidHandleResourceChange(TIntaType)[virtual]

From CCoeControl.

Handles a change to Edwin s resources which are shared across the environment. Colours or fonts for example.

aTypeThe type of resource that was changed.

HandleScrollEventL ( CEikScrollBar *, TEikScrollEvent )

IMPORT_C voidHandleScrollEventL(CEikScrollBar *aScrollBar,

From MEikScrollBarObserver.

Handles scrollbar key events.

aScrollBarThe scrollbar.
aEventTypeThe type of key event.

HandleScrollEventWithPhysics ( CEikScrollBar * )

voidHandleScrollEventWithPhysics(CEikScrollBar *aScrollBar)

Handles scrollbar events with kinetic scrolling.

aScrollBarThe scrollbar.

HandleSizeChangedL ( )

IMPORT_C voidHandleSizeChangedL()[protected]

Handles a change in Edwin s size. This function accounts for text wrap settings and whether the Edwin is ready to be redrawn and also calls functions to reformat text and to update the Edwin s scroll bars.

HandleTextChangedL ( )

IMPORT_C voidHandleTextChangedL()

Handles all modifications made by reformatting the entire document. Calls CEikEdwin::FormatText() and redraws Edwin contents and scroll bars if they are ready to be redrawn.

HandleTextPastedL ( TInt, TInt & )

IMPORT_C voidHandleTextPastedL(TIntaStartPos,
TInt &aLength
)[protected, virtual]

Not implemented.

aStartPosNot used.
aLengthNot used.

HighlightStyle ( )

TAknsHighlightStyle HighlightStyle()const

Gets highlight style.

Returns: The highlight style.

IdleL ( TAny * )

IMPORT_C TIntIdleL(TAny *aPtr)[static]

Uses SetScrollBarsL() to set the scrollbars.

aPtrPointer to CEikEdwin instance.

Returns: Integer value of EFalse.

InputCapabilities ( )

IMPORT_C TCoeInputCapabilitiesInputCapabilities()const [virtual]

From CCoeControl.

Access to the input capabilities of the edwin.

If this function is overrided in a subclass, the subclass should obtain this class' InputCapabilities' object provider through TCoeInputCapabilities::ObjectProvider() and set that as a part of the subclass' InputCapabilities object provider chain to ensure maximum functionality.

Returns: The Edwin input capabilities.

InsertDeleteCharsL ( TInt, const TDesC &, const TCursorSelection & )

IMPORT_C voidInsertDeleteCharsL(TIntaInsertPos,
const TDesC &aText,
const TCursorSelection &aDelete

Replaces the cursor selection with the identified text.

aInsertPosThe position at which text will be inserted.
aTextThe text to insert.
aDeleteThe cursor-selected text that will be replaced by aText.

InsertFieldL ( CTextField *, TUid )

IMPORT_C voidInsertFieldL(CTextField *aField,

Inserts a field at the current cursor position. If a selection was made the field replaces that selection.

aFieldText field to insert.
aFieldTypeType of the field.

InsertFromTextFileL ( const TFileName &, const CPlainText::TTextOrganisation )

IMPORT_C voidInsertFromTextFileL(const TFileName &aFileName,
const CPlainText::TTextOrganisationaTextOrganisation = CPlainText::EOrganiseByLine

Inserts the contents of a text file into the text being edited at the current cursor position.

aFileNameThe file to open and read.
aTextOrganisationHow to handle line breaks. Default value is CPlainText::EOrganiseByLine.

IsBackgroundDrawingSuppressed ( )

IMPORT_C TBoolIsBackgroundDrawingSuppressed()const

Tests if the background drawing is suppressed.

Returns: ETrue if the background drawing is suppressed

IsReadOnly ( )

IMPORT_C TBoolIsReadOnly()const

Determines whether the document being edited with Edwin is read-only.

Returns: ETrue if the document being edited is read-only. EFalse otherwise.

IsSmileyEnabled ( )

TBool IsSmileyEnabled()const

KineticScrollingEnabled ( )

TBool KineticScrollingEnabled()const

Returns ETrue if kinetic scrolling is enabled.

Returns: ETrue if kinetic scrolling is enabled.

LayoutWidth ( )

IMPORT_C TIntLayoutWidth()const

Gets the width used for laying out the text inside the Edwin in pixels. This may be larger or smaller than the width of the Edwin itself. See SetWysiwygModeOn() for example.

Returns: Width of the text layout area in pixels.

LineCursorWidth ( )

IMPORT_C TIntLineCursorWidth()const [virtual]

Gets the width of a line cursor in pixels.

Returns: Always 0.

LowerPartialFormattingLength ( )

IMPORT_C TIntLowerPartialFormattingLength()const

Gets the lower limit for formatting. This returns the value of KPartialFormattingLowerThreshold which determines when a switch is made from formatting only visible text to formatting all text. When the text length exceeds the KFullFormattingUpperThreshold only visible text is formatted. If some characters are deleted so that the text length is less than KFullFormattingUpperThreshold the entire text is still not formatted. Instead, reformatting occurs only when the number of characters is less than the value of KPartialFormattingLowerThreshold.

Returns: The value of KPartialFormattingLowerThreshold.

Margins ( )

IMPORT_C TMargins8Margins()const

Gets the text view margins.

Returns: The text view margins.

MaxLength ( )

TInt MaxLength()const [inline]

Gets the editor maximum length.

Returns: The editor maximum length

MaximumHeight ( )

IMPORT_C TIntMaximumHeight()const

Gets the maximum Edwin height.

Please do not use the following method for deciding heights if you are using edwins with Maximum Heights in forms. Use MaximumHeightInLines instead.

Returns: The maximum Edwin height.

MaximumHeightInLines ( )

IMPORT_C TIntMaximumHeightInLines()const

Gets editor maximum height in lines.

Returns: Maximum height in lines.

MinimumHeight ( )

IMPORT_C TIntMinimumHeight()const

Gets the minimum Edwin height.

Returns: The minimum Edwin height.

MinimumSize ( )

IMPORT_C TSizeMinimumSize()[virtual]

Reimplemented from CCoeControl::MinimumSize()

From CCoeControl.

Gets the minimum size of this Edwin for automatic-layout control contexts such as dialogs.

Returns: Minimum size for the control.

MopSupplyObject ( TTypeUid )

IMPORT_C TTypeUid::PtrMopSupplyObject(TTypeUidaId)[protected]

From MObjectProvider.

Retrieves an object of the same type as that encapsulated in aId.

This function is used to allow controls to ask their owners for access to other objects that they own.

Other than in the case where NULL is returned, the object returned must be of the same object type - that is, the ETypeId member of the object pointed to by the pointer returned by this function must be equal to the iUid member of aId.

aIdAn encapsulated object type ID.

Returns: Encapsulates the pointer to the object provided. Note that the encapsulated pointer may be NULL.

MoveCursorL ( TCursorPosition::TMovementType, TBool )

IMPORT_C voidMoveCursorL(TCursorPosition::TMovementTypeaMovement,

Sets the new cursor position. If the cursor is no longer visible the document is scrolled to display the line containing the new cursor position. Scrollbars are also updated if present.

aMovementThe cursor movement.
aSelectIf ETrue, the selection is extended. This corresponds to holding down the Shift key on a machine keyboard.

MoveCursorToChunkStartL ( TBool, TChunkSize, TEnd )

IMPORT_C voidMoveCursorToChunkStartL(TBoolaSelect,

Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word or paragraph. This function cancels any front end processing transaction currently in progress for the Edwin.

aSelectIf ETrue the chunk is selected, otherwise EFalse.
aChunkSizeThe chunk size, this can be either a word or a paragraph. See TChunkSize enum.
aEndScanningTowardsWhich direction to scan towards, the start or the end of the document.

MoveDisplayL ( TCursorPosition::TMovementType )

IMPORT_C voidMoveDisplayL(TCursorPosition::TMovementTypeaMovement)

Scrolls the text either horizontally or vertically without affecting the cursor s position.

aMovementThe cursor's movement.

NonPrintingCharsVisibility ( )

IMPORT_C TNonPrintingCharVisibilityNonPrintingCharsVisibility()const

Sets non-printing characters?visibility.

Returns: Non-printing characters?visibility.

NotifyEditorStateObserverOfStateChangeL ( )

IMPORT_C voidNotifyEditorStateObserverOfStateChangeL()

This call causes FEP to reset current editing state and new editing state is fetched from CAknEdwinState object.

NotifyNewDocumentL ( )

IMPORT_C voidNotifyNewDocumentL()

Formats and draws a new document, updates scrollbars if necessary.

NotifyNewFormatL ( )

IMPORT_C voidNotifyNewFormatL()

Reformats and redraws the document, updates scrollbars if necessary.

OfferKeyEventL ( const TKeyEvent &, TEventCode )

IMPORT_C TKeyResponseOfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent &aKeyEvent,

From CCoeControl.

Handles key events.

aKeyEventThe key event.
aTypeThe type of the event: EEventKeyDown, EEventKeyUp or EEventKey.

Returns: A suitable response code.

OkToDeleteSelectionL ( )

IMPORT_C TBoolOkToDeleteSelectionL()[protected]

Confirms whether the deletion of the user s selection is required.

If the user s selection is less than KBlockDeleteWarningSize and does not contain a picture, this function returns ETrue.

If the user s selection is greater than KBlockDeleteWarningSize or contains a picture, this function asks the user to confirm deletion of their selection and then returns the user s response.

Returns: ETrue.

OnEditorStateFlagChange ( TInt, TInt )


OnReformatL ( const CTextView * )

IMPORT_C voidOnReformatL(const CTextView *aTextView)

From CTextView::MObserver.

Called after reformatting but before redisplay so that edit windows etc. can be resized.

aTextViewNot used.

OnlyASCIIChars ( )

IMPORT_C TBoolOnlyASCIIChars()const

Tests whether the EOnlyASCIIChars flag is set.

Returns: ETrue if the EOnlyASCIIChars flag is set.

PasteFromStoreL ( CStreamStore &, CStreamDictionary & )

IMPORT_C voidPasteFromStoreL(CStreamStore &aStore,
CStreamDictionary &aDict

Copies the contents of a stream store to the current cursor position, replacing any selected text. This function is used to paste data from the clipboard.

aStoreStore from which to read.
aDictStream dictionary.

PictographAnimationCallBack ( )

const TCallBack &PictographAnimationCallBack()const

Returns pictograph animation callback. If it is not set, the function pointer is NULL.

Returns: Pictograph animation callback

PixelsOutOfBorder ( )

TInt PixelsOutOfBorder()const

Returns amount of pixels how much we are out of borders.

Returns: Amount of pixels scrolled out of borders.

PlaceDataOnClipboardL ( )

IMPORT_C voidPlaceDataOnClipboardL()[protected]

Copies the contents of the cursor selection onto the clipboard.

ReadAknResourceL ( TResourceReader & )

IMPORT_C voidReadAknResourceL(TResourceReader &aReader)[protected]

Used in ConstructFromResourceL(). Sets Avkon editor properties.

aReaderA reader positioned for reading from an EDWIN resource.

ReceiveDataOverIrL ( )

IMPORT_C voidReceiveDataOverIrL()

Receives an Edwin document using an infra red beamer. This function will leave if the data received is not a suitable type to be pasted into the Edwin.

RemoveEdwinObserver ( MEikEdwinObserver * )

IMPORT_C voidRemoveEdwinObserver(MEikEdwinObserver *aEdwinObserver)

Removes the specified observer from the list of observers. Does nothing if aEdwinObserver is not an observer.

aEdwinObserverThe observer to remove from the list of observers.

RemoveFlagFromUserFlags ( TUint32 )

IMPORT_C voidRemoveFlagFromUserFlags(TUint32aFlag)

Removes user flags. See TFlags.

aFlagFlags to remove.

ReplaceAllL ( SEdwinFindModel * )

IMPORT_C voidReplaceAllL(SEdwinFindModel *aFindModel)

Replaces all occurrences of a string with new text. Both old and new text are held in aFindModel.

This function will leave if the replace operation fails unexpectedly.
aFindModelPointer to the replacement text.

ReplaceL ( SEdwinFindModel * )

IMPORT_C voidReplaceL(SEdwinFindModel *aFindModel)

Replaces the highlighted text. See SEdwinFindModel struct.

aFindModelPointer to the replacement text.

ReportChinesePopupEventL ( TBool )


ReportEdwinEventL ( MEikEdwinObserver::TEdwinEvent )

IMPORT_C voidReportEdwinEventL(MEikEdwinObserver::TEdwinEventaEventType)[protected]

Reports an Edwin event of the specified type. The Edwin event is passed first to the Edwin observer and then to the list of observers, even if the first Edwin observer is not set. If the Edwin has a custom drawer, and the event is of type EEventFormatChanged, the event is passed to the custom drawer. If the Edwin has an observer the event is passed to that observer. If no observer is set for the Edwin, this function passes the event to each observer in the observer list.

aEventTypeThe type of event to report.

RestoreCursorState ( )


Show cursor again if needed (based on stored cursor visibility info).

RunCharMapDialogL ( )

IMPORT_C voidRunCharMapDialogL()

Displays a dialog allowing the user to choose a character from the character map. The selected character is inserted into the Edwin at the current cursor position.

ScrollBarFrame ( )

CEikScrollBarFrame *ScrollBarFrame()[inline]

Gets the scroll bar frame surrounding this Edwin.

Returns: Pointer to this Edwin s scroll bar frame.

ScrollView ( TInt, TBool &, TInt & )

TInt ScrollView(TIntaPixelsToScroll,
TBool &aBorderExceeded,
TInt &aRestOfPixels

Scrolls view by amount of pixels. Stops scrolling when beginning or end of content exceeded. This function should be used when scrolling starts from inside content (in other words in normal situation when begin- or end-border has not yet exceeded)

aPixelsToScrollAmount of pixels to scroll
aBorderExceededreturns ETrue if border was exceeded
aRestOfPixelsAmount of pixels not scrolled because border was exceeded

Returns: Amount of scrolled pixels.

ScrollViewWithBounce ( TInt, TBool &, TInt & )

TInt ScrollViewWithBounce(TIntaPixelsToScroll,
TBool &aEndOfBounce,
TInt &aRestOfPixels

Scrolls view by amount of pixels.

This function should be used to scroll when we have already exceeded begin- or end-border (we are out of borders). This function supports scrolling so that there can be empty space above or below the editor content (used in bounce effect). Stops scrolling when we return back to inside borders.

aPixelsToScrollAmount of pixels to scroll
aEndOfBouncereturns ETrue if content scrolled back to inside of borders
aRestOfPixelsAmount of pixels not scrolled

Returns: Amount of scrolled pixels.

SelectAllL ( )

IMPORT_C voidSelectAllL()

Selects the entire document.

Selection ( )

IMPORT_C TCursorSelectionSelection()const

Gets the cursor selection. If no text view is associated to the Edwin this returns TCursorSelection(0,0).

Returns: The current selection.

SelectionLength ( )

IMPORT_C TIntSelectionLength()const

Gets the number of characters including non-printing characters within the selection.

Returns: The number of characters within the selection.

SendDataOverIrL ( )

IMPORT_C voidSendDataOverIrL()

Sends the Edwin s document using an infra red beamer.

SetAknEditorAllowedInputModes ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorAllowedInputModes(TIntaInputModes)

Sets allowed input modes for the editor. All input modes are allowed (EAknEditorAllInputModes) if the value is not set from EDWIN resource allowed_input_modes or with this API.

aInputModesInput modes that are allowed in the editor.

SetAknEditorCase ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorCase(TIntaCase)

Sets default case for the editor. The case is used when the editor is focused first time. Available case flags from uikon.hrh are EAknEditorUpperCase, EAknEditorLowerCase and EAknEditorTextCase. EAknEditorTextCase is used if the initial case is not set from EDWIN resource default_case or with this API.

aCaseInitial case to be used in the editor.

SetAknEditorCurrentCase ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorCurrentCase(TIntaCase)

Updates editor case. FEP is automatically notified of the case change in editor state and FEP takes new case to use immediately. Available case flags from uikon.hrh are EAknEditorUpperCase, EAknEditorLowerCase and EAknEditorTextCase. This method should not be used to set initial case for the editor. Use SetAknEditorCase() method instead for setting initial case.

aCaseNew case for the editor.

SetAknEditorCurrentInputMode ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorCurrentInputMode(TIntaInputMode)

Updates editor input mode. FEP is automatically notified of the new input mode in editor state and FEP takes new input mode to use immediatelly. Current inline editing is reset. This method should not be used for setting initial input mode for the editor. Use SetAknEditorInputMode() method instead for setting initial input mode.

aInputModeNew input mode for the editor.

SetAknEditorFlags ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorFlags(TIntaFlags)

Sets initial editor flags for the editor. This method can be used also to update editor flags after the editor is focused. FEP is automatically notified of the updated editor flags.

aFlagsAvkon editor flags for the editor.

SetAknEditorInputMode ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorInputMode(TIntaInputMode)

Sets default input mode for the editor. The input mode is used when the editor is focused first time. EAknEditorTextInputMode is used if the initial input mode is not set from EDWIN resource default_input_mode or with this API.

aInputModeInitial input mode to be used in the editor.

SetAknEditorLocalLanguage ( TLanguage )

IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorLocalLanguage(TLanguageaLanguage)

Sets new local input language for the editor. Global input language changes have not effect for the input language but the user can still change the input language from the edit menu.

aLanguageEditor local input language.

SetAknEditorNumericKeymap ( TAknEditorNumericKeymap )

IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorNumericKeymap(TAknEditorNumericKeymapaNumericKeymap)

Sets number mode key mapping for '*' and '#' keys. The key mapping is used in editors when numeric input mode is used. Key mapping characters for '*' key are shown on special character table if also text input modes are allowed in the editor but the current input mode is numeric mode. EAknEditorStandardNumberModeKeymap is used in editors that allow only numeric input if the mapping is not set from EDWIN resource numeric_keymap or with this API. EAknEditorAlphanumericNumberModeKeymap is used as default if the editor allows also text input mode.

aNumericKeymapKey mapping used in an editor with number input mode.

SetAknEditorPermittedCaseModes ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorPermittedCaseModes(TIntaPermittedCaseModes)

Sets permitted cases for the editor. Possible flags from uikon.hrh are EAknEditorAllCaseModes, EAknEditorUpperCase, EAknEditorLowerCase and EAknEditorTextCase. EAknEditorAllCaseModes is used if the value is not set from EDWIN resource allowed_case_modes or with this API.

aPermittedCaseModesCase modes that are available in the editor.

SetAknEditorSpecialCharacterTable ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetAknEditorSpecialCharacterTable(TIntaSCTResId)

Sets editor specific special character table.

aSCTResIdSpecial character table dialog resource.

SetAlignment ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetAlignment(TIntaAlignment)

Stores the alignment value for an editor.

aAlignmentEditor alignment to be stored - must be supplied as one of the values in Avkon editor alignment enum i.e.: EAknEditorAlignCenter, EAknEditorAlignLeft, EAknEditorAlignRight, EAknEditorAlignBidi

SetAllowPictures ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetAllowPictures(TBoolaAllow)

Sets whether the document accepts pictures.

aAllowETrue sets the document to accept pictures, EFalse sets the document to not accept pictures.

SetAllowUndo ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetAllowUndo(TBoolaAllow)

Sets whether the undo operation is permitted.

aAllowETrue to permit undo operations. EFalse to not permit undo operations.

SetAmountToFormatL ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetAmountToFormatL(TBoolaIsNewDoc = EFalse)

Controls the formatting mode of the editor.

The length of the text is compared against current formatting mode thresholds. (See method SetUpperFullFormattingLength). If the length is greater than the upper limit of full formatting, then the editor is set to "band" formatting, where the editor attempts to format as little as is needed, e.g. the visible part of the editor. If the text length is less than the lower limit of band formatting, then the formatting mode is switched to full document formatting.

This method performs an immediate re-formatting of all or part of the text with the new formatting mode.

aIsNewDocIf EFalse, attempts to perform re-formatting based upon current formatting If not EFalse, whole document it formatted from scratch Note: This parameter is ignored if aReFormat is EFalse

SetAmountToFormatL ( TBool, TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetAmountToFormatL(TBoolaIsNewDoc,

Controls the formatting mode of the editor.

The length of the text is compared against the current formatting mode thresholds. (See method SetUpperFullFormattingLength). If the length is greater than the upper limit of full formatting, then the editor is set to "band" formatting, where the editor attempts to format as little as is needed, e.g. the visible part of the editor. If the text length is less than the lower limit of band formatting, then the formatting mode is switched to full document formatting.

This method has a flag to allow any immediate re-formatting to be suppressed. Formatting text can be a time-consuming operation. If the client is able to ensure that no reformatting is needed, (for instance if a further re-formatting API is going to be called later) then the reformatting flag can be called with EFalse. Otherwise, a re-format will take place within this method.

aIsNewDocIf EFalse, attempts to perform re-formatting based upon current formatting If not EFalse, whole document it formatted from scratch Note: This parameter is ignored if aReFormat is EFalse
aReFormatIf EFalse, do not perform any re-formatting

SetAvgCharsPerLine ( TInt )


Sets the average number of characters per line.

aAvgCharsThe average number of characters per line.

SetAvgLinesInViewRect ( TInt )


Sets the average number of lines displayed in Edwin s view.

aAvgLinesThe average number of lines to display.

SetAvkonWrap ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetAvkonWrap(TBoolaAvkonWrapIsOn)

Sets the EAvkonEditor flag.

aAvkonWrapIsOnIf ETrue EAvkonEditor flag is set.

SetBackgroundColorL ( TRgb )

IMPORT_C voidSetBackgroundColorL(TRgbaBackground)

Sets the Edwin s background colour.

aBackgroundNew value for the background colour.

SetBorderViewMargins ( TMargins8 )

IMPORT_C voidSetBorderViewMargins(TMargins8aMargins)

Sets the text view margins.

aMarginsNew value for the view s margins.

SetCharFormatLayer ( CCharFormatLayer * )

IMPORT_C voidSetCharFormatLayer(CCharFormatLayer *aCharFormatLayer)

Sets the character format layer for the editor. Ownership of the CCharFormatLayer is transferred.

aCharFormatLayerPointer to the character format layer object.

SetContainerWindowL ( )

IMPORT_C voidSetContainerWindowL()

Creates the containing window for the Edwin if it does not already have one.

SetContainerWindowL ( const CCoeControl & )

IMPORT_C voidSetContainerWindowL(const CCoeControl &aParent)[virtual]

From CCoeControl.

Sets the containing window for the Edwin by copying it from the specified parent. Also copies a control context from aParent if one has not been previously set.

aParentThe control to set as this Edwin s parent.

SetCursorPosL ( TInt, TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetCursorPosL(TIntaCursorPos,

Sets the cursor s position within the document. If the new position is not visible the text is scrolled so that the line containing the cursor is visible. This function also updates the scroll bar thumbs if present.

aCursorPosNew cursor position.
aSelectETrue to extend the cursor s selection to the new position. EFalse otherwise.

SetCursorVisible ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetCursorVisible(TBoolaVisible)

Used to control cursor visibility

SetDimmed ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetDimmed(TBoolaDimmed)[virtual]

From CCoeControl.

Dims or undims the Edwin.

aDimmedETrue to dim the Edwin. EFalse to undim the Edwin.

SetDocumentContentL ( CGlobalText &, TSetContent )

IMPORT_C voidSetDocumentContentL(CGlobalText &aText,
TSetContentaContent = CEikEdwin::ECopyText

Sets the Edwin s editable content. Before calling this function you must get the iText pointer as iText is replaced by aText. You must also free the memory by deleting the previous iText contents.

aTextNew value for the content.
aContentSpecifies whether to use aText itself, or to copy its content. Default value is CEikEdwin::ECopyText.

SetDocumentOwnership ( TOwnershipType )

IMPORT_C voidSetDocumentOwnership(TOwnershipTypeaOwner)

Sets whether the Edwin owns a document. Edwins can either be used as a standalone text editor control, or as an editor for text owned by another object. The document ownership setting determines whether the Edwin or another object owns the document.

aOwnerWhether Edwin or another object owns the document. See TOwnershipType.

SetEdwinObserver ( MEikEdwinObserver * )

IMPORT_C voidSetEdwinObserver(MEikEdwinObserver *aEdwinObserver)

Sets the Edwin observer. The Edwin s observer will be called back with control events associated with the Edwin.

aEdwinObserverNew observer.

SetEdwinSizeObserver ( MEikEdwinSizeObserver * )

IMPORT_C voidSetEdwinSizeObserver(MEikEdwinSizeObserver *aEdwinSizeObserver)

Sets the Edwin size observer. Does not imply transfer of ownership.

aEdwinSizeObserverThe Edwin size observer.

SetHighlightStyleL ( TAknsHighlightStyle )

IMPORT_C voidSetHighlightStyleL(TAknsHighlightStyleaStyle)

Sets highlight style.

aStyleThe highlight style.

SetInputCapabilitiesL ( const TCoeInputCapabilities & )

IMPORT_C voidSetInputCapabilitiesL(const TCoeInputCapabilities &aInputCapabilities)

From CCoeControl.

This method sets the input capabilities of the edwin. Ownership of the T-class is not transferred.

KErrNoMemory Edwin FEB support object is not created.
aInputCapabilitiesReference to an input capabilities object on the heap.

SetLineCursorDetailsL ( )

IMPORT_C voidSetLineCursorDetailsL()[protected]

Sets margin widths and line cursor width.

SetMaxLength ( TInt )


Sets maximum length for the editor.

aLengthMaximum length for the editor.

SetMaximumHeight ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetMaximumHeight(TIntaHeight)

Sets the maximum Edwin height. This function also decreases the minimum Edwin height if its value is greater than aHeight.

Please do not use the following method for setting maximum heights if you are using edwins with maximum heights in forms. Use MaximumHeightInLines instead.

aHeightThe maximum Edwin height.

SetMaximumHeightInLines ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetMaximumHeightInLines(TIntaLines)

Sets editor's maximum height in lines.

aLinesMaximum height in lines.

SetMinimumHeight ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetMinimumHeight(TIntaHeight)

Sets the minimum Edwin height. This function also increases the maximum Edwin height if its value is less than aHeight.

SetNonPrintingCharsVisibility ( TNonPrintingCharVisibility )

IMPORT_C voidSetNonPrintingCharsVisibility(TNonPrintingCharVisibilityaVisibility)

Sets non-printing characters?visibility.

aVisibilityNon-printing characters?visibility.

SetOnlyASCIIChars ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetOnlyASCIIChars(TBoolaASCIIOnly)

Sets the EOnlyASCIIChars flag.

aASCIIOnlyIf ETrue the EOnlyASCIIChars flag will be set. If EFalse the EOnlyASCIIChars flag will be removed.

SetParaFormatLayer ( CParaFormatLayer * )

IMPORT_C voidSetParaFormatLayer(CParaFormatLayer *aParaFormatLayer)

Sets the paragraph format layer for the editor. Ownership of the CParaFormatLayer is transferred.

aParaFormatLayerPointer to the paragraph format layer object.

SetPasteFromIrStore ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetPasteFromIrStore(TBoolaPasteFromIrStore)

Sets the EPasteFromIrStore flag.

aPasteFromIrStoreETrue to set the EPasteFromIrStore flag. EFalse to remove the EPasteFromIrStore flag.

SetPictographAnimationCallBack ( TCallBack & )

IMPORT_C voidSetPictographAnimationCallBack(TCallBack &aCallBack)

Sets the callback, which the editor calls after having redrawn itself for animated pictographs. CEikCaptionedControl uses it to draw the highlight frame on top of the editor.

S60 2.6
aCallBackThe callback.

SetReadOnly ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetReadOnly(TBoolaReadOnly)

Sets the Edwin s read-only flag so that documents displayed by Edwin cannot be edited by users.

aReadOnlyETrue to set Edwin to display documents as read-only. EFalse otherwise.

SetRightWrapGutter ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetRightWrapGutter(TIntaGap)

Sets the minimum gap between text and the right hand edge of the Edwin when text is wrapped. This value is used to calculate the layout area for text.

aGapSize of the gutter in pixels.

SetScrollRect ( const TRect & )

IMPORT_C voidSetScrollRect(const TRect &aRect)

Used to determine which area is used for scrolling

SetSelectionL ( TInt, TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetSelectionL(TIntaCursorPos,

Sets the text selection. Highlights the selected area and makes the new cursor position visible. Any previous selection is cancelled. This function also updates the scroll bar thumbs if present.

aCursorPosThe cursor s position.
aAnchorPosThe anchor s position.

SetSkinBackgroundControlContextL ( MAknsControlContext * )

IMPORT_C voidSetSkinBackgroundControlContextL(MAknsControlContext *aContext)

Sets within in the editor an externally owned Skins background control context. This background control context will then be used by the editor to draw background.

If this API is not called, then the editor IS skin enabled, (that is CEikEdwins are skin enabled by default) but it will try to find a control context with which to perform background drawing from the Control Environment, via the Object Provider.

Setting this control context to NULL will have the effect of turning off background skinning.

aContextControl context to store. Not owned. Can be NULL.

SetSuppressBackgroundDrawing ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetSuppressBackgroundDrawing(TBoolaSuppress)

Used for suppressing all editor's background drawing. This is intended for internal use.

Note that when this is set, the background is not drawn with skin nor cleared, so the background MUST be drawn by the parent control every time the editor changes.

aSuppressIf ETrue, suppress background drawing

SetSuppressFormatting ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetSuppressFormatting(TBoolaSuppressed)

Can be called to inhibit formatting of the editor. Care is required to ensure that the necessary reformatting is carried out later on if this API is used.

Note: When called with EFalse, it does not automatically trigger reformatting.

aSuppressedIf ETrue, inhibit formatting from now on, if EFalse, re-enable formatting from now on.

SetSuppressNotifyDraw ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetSuppressNotifyDraw(TBoolaEnabled)

Can be called to inhibit redrawing of the editor when NotifyNewFormatL() is called.

aEnabledIf ETrue, inhibit redrawing when notified of new format from now on.

SetTextL ( const TDesC * )

IMPORT_C voidSetTextL(const TDesC *aDes)

Sets the document text of this Edwin from the contents of a descriptor. This function removes any pictures, any invalid characters and cancels any previous selection.

aDesDescriptor from which to copy.

SetTextLimit ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetTextLimit(TIntaLimit)

Sets the maximum number of characters that can be inserted.

aLimitNew maximum for the number of characters that can be inserted.

SetTextLinesRect ( const TRect & )

IMPORT_C voidSetTextLinesRect(const TRect &aRect)

Used to prevent partial text lines from being drawn. The client is responsible for giving a sane value. An empty rect disables this feature. This is intended for internal use.

aRectThe rect which contains text lines to be drawn

SetTextSkinColorIdL ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetTextSkinColorIdL(TIntaAknSkinIdForTextColor)

Sets skin id for text.

aAknSkinIdForTextColorThe skin id.

SetUndoBufferL ( const TCursorSelection & )

IMPORT_C TBoolSetUndoBufferL(const TCursorSelection &aSelection)

Sets undo buffer for the Edwin.

aSelectionThe current selection.

Returns: ETrue if buffer was set.

SetUndoableText ( const TCursorSelection & )

IMPORT_C voidSetUndoableText(const TCursorSelection &aSelection)

Sets new undoable text to the undo buffer.

aSelectionThe current selection.

SetUpperFullFormattingLength ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidSetUpperFullFormattingLength(TIntaUpperFullFormattingLimit)

This method sets the upper limit of full document formatting.

At construction, the mode is full document formatting, where the text formatter processes the whole document to determine its layout.

When the text content is set, or when user input causes the length of text to exceed this value, the formatting mode switches to "Band" formatting, where the text formatter attempts to format as little as possible - optimally just the visible screen.

A lower limit is calculated from the passed-in value, by the subtraction of a constant. When the text becomes smaller than this lower limit, the formatting switches to full document formatting.

Internally-imposed limits prevent the client setting too small a value for proper operation of the text formatting.

If this method is not called, the upper and lower limts are set to a large default values.

Access to the actual limits is available via the methods UpperFullFormattingLength() and LowerPartialFormattingLength().

aUpperFullFormattingLimitThe upper limit of full document formatting.

SetWordDelimiters ( TBool, TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetWordDelimiters(TBoolaPicture,

Sets whether picture characters and/or punctuation should be treated as word delimiters in addition to whitespace.

aPictureETrue if picture characters should be treated as delimiters for words.
aPunctuationETrue if punctuation should be treated as delimiters for words.

SetWordWrapL ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetWordWrapL(TBoolaWrapIsOn)

Sets word wrapping on or off.

aWrapIsOnETrue enables word wrapping, EFalse disables word wrapping.

SetWysiwygModeOff ( )

IMPORT_C voidSetWysiwygModeOff()

Switches off the WYSIWYG mode. This function sets the new format mode to be EFScreenMode.

SetWysiwygModeOn ( TInt, MGraphicsDeviceMap * )

IMPORT_C voidSetWysiwygModeOn(TIntaLayoutWidth,
MGraphicsDeviceMap *aDevice

Sets the format mode to be WYSIWYG.

aLayoutWidthFormatting width in twips.
aDeviceMapping between twips and pixels on the target device.

SetZoomFactorL ( TZoomFactor * )

IMPORT_C voidSetZoomFactorL(TZoomFactor *aZoomFactor)

Sets the zoom factor of the document and reformats the document.

aZoomFactorNew value for the zooming factor.

SkinBackgroundControlContext ( )

MAknsControlContext *SkinBackgroundControlContext()const

Access to Skins background control context that is potentially being used by the Editor.

This API will first check to see if an control context has been set by API, and if so, return that. If the background control context has been set to NULL by API, then it will return NULL. If the background control context has never been set by API, then this returns the control context (if one exists) that the object obtains from Object Provider.

Returns: Pointer to control context potentially in use, or NULL.

SkinColorId ( )

TInt SkinColorId()const

Gets skin id.

Returns: The skin id.

SkinEnabled ( )

TBool SkinEnabled()const

Access to disposition of the editor to perform Skinning. This does not take into account whether the application is skin enabled or whether the environment is providing a background control context. It is only a function of whether editor's (default) disposition to skin has been countered by calls on the editor API.

Returns: EFalse if SetSkinBackgroundControlContextL has been called with NULL in its most recent call.

SkipBackgroundDrawer ( )

TBool SkipBackgroundDrawer()const

Can be used by custom drawers to check if background drawing should be performed. This is meant to be used only if editor has MCoeControlBackground object attached.

Returns: ETrue if custom drawer shouldn't draw background.

StoreCursorState ( )


If cursor is visible, disables it and stores cursor visibility info.

SupportsUndo ( )

IMPORT_C TBoolSupportsUndo()const

Gets whether Edwin is set to support the undo command.

Returns: ETrue if edits can be undone. EFalse if edits cannot be undone.

Text ( )

IMPORT_C CPlainText *Text()const

Gets a pointer to the Edwin s document contents.

Returns: A CPlainText pointer which contains the document.

TextLayout ( )

IMPORT_C CTextLayout *TextLayout()const

Gets Edwins text layout.

Returns: Pointer to the text layout.

TextLength ( )

IMPORT_C TIntTextLength()const

Gets the number of characters in the document.

Returns: The number of characters in the document.

TextView ( )

IMPORT_C CTextView *TextView()const

Gets Edwin text view.

Returns: Pointer to the Edwin text view.

TrappedDraw ( const TRect & )

IMPORT_C voidTrappedDraw(const TRect &aRect)const [protected]

Draws the visible text and the cursor for DrawL(), but does not draw the border. The DrawL() function is trapped to handle problems due to insufficient resources being available.

aRectRectangle in which to draw.

TrappedSizeChanged ( )

IMPORT_C voidTrappedSizeChanged()[protected]

Handles errors that occur when handling a change in Edwin s size. Calls CEikonEnv::NotifyIdleErrorWhileRedrawing().

UndoL ( )

IMPORT_C voidUndoL()

Undoes the most recent text operation when the Edwin supports this feature and when the undo store is not empty.

UpdateAllFieldsL ( )

IMPORT_C voidUpdateAllFieldsL()

Updates all the fields in the document.

UpdateCurrentFieldL ( )

IMPORT_C voidUpdateCurrentFieldL()

Updates any text field at the current cursor position. Updating involves calculating the new value for the field, and replacing the field s existing text content with the new text.

This function does nothing if the cursor is not within a text field.

UpdateLayoutWidth ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidUpdateLayoutWidth(TIntaLayoutWidth)

Updates the text wrap width. This function is for use in WYSIWYG mode only.

aLayoutWidthNew width to wrap text at in WYSIWYG mode in twips.

UpdateScrollBarsL ( )

IMPORT_C voidUpdateScrollBarsL()

Updates scrollbars.

UpperFullFormattingLength ( )

IMPORT_C TIntUpperFullFormattingLength()const

Gets the upper limit for formatting. This returns the value of KFullFormattingUpperThreshold which determines the maximum number of characters that can be formatted, if it is exceeded then only visible text is formatted. This is used with KPartialFormattingLowerThreshold to control the extent of text formatting.

Returns: The value of KFullFormattingUpperThreshold.

UserFlags ( )

IMPORT_C TUint32UserFlags()const

Gets user flags. See TFlags.

Returns: The user flags.

WriteInternalStateL ( RWriteStream & )

IMPORT_C voidWriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream &aWriteStream)const [virtual]

From CCoeControl.

In debug mode writes the internal state to the given stream. Does nothing in release mode.

aWriteStreamA stream for writing the internal state.