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00004 <title>Tremor - function - ov_read</title>
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00010 <tr>
00011 <td><p class=tiny>Tremor documentation</p></td>
00012 <td align=right><p class=tiny>Tremor version 1.0 - 20020403</p></td>
00013 </tr>
00014 </table>
00016 <h1>ov_read()</h1>
00018 <p><i>declared in "ivorbisfile.h";</i></p>
00020 <p>
00021    This is the main function used to decode a Vorbis file within a
00022    loop.  It returns up to the specified number of bytes of decoded audio
00023    in host-endian, signed 16 bit PCM format.  If the audio is
00024    multichannel, the channels are interleaved in the output buffer.
00025    If the passed in buffer is large, <tt>ov_read()</tt> will not fill
00026    it; the passed in buffer size is treated as a <em>limit</em> and
00027    not a request.
00028 <p>
00030 Note that up to this point, the Tremor API could more or less hide the
00031    multiple logical bitstream nature of chaining from the toplevel
00032    application if the toplevel application didn't particularly care.
00033    However, when reading audio back, the application must be aware
00034    that multiple bitstream sections do not necessarily use the same
00035    number of channels or sampling rate. <p> <tt>ov_read()</tt> passes
00036    back the index of the sequential logical bitstream currently being
00037    decoded (in <tt>*bitstream</tt>) along with the PCM data in order
00038    that the toplevel application can handle channel and/or sample
00039    rate changes. This number will be incremented at chaining
00040    boundaries even for non-seekable streams. For seekable streams, it
00041    represents the actual chaining index within the physical bitstream.
00042 <p>
00044 <br><br>
00045 <table border=0 color=black cellspacing=0 cellpadding=7>
00046 <tr bgcolor=#cccccc>
00047         <td>
00048 <pre><b>
00049 long ov_read(<a href="OggVorbis_File.html">OggVorbis_File</a> *vf, char *buffer, int length, int *bitstream);
00050 </b></pre>
00051         </td>
00052 </tr>
00053 </table>
00055 <h3>Parameters</h3>
00056 <dl>
00057 <dt><i>vf</i></dt>
00058 <dd>A pointer to the OggVorbis_File structure--this is used for ALL the externally visible libvorbisidec
00059 functions.</dd>
00060 <dt><i>buffer</i></dt>
00061 <dd>A pointer to an output buffer.  The decoded output is inserted into this buffer.</dd>
00062 <dt><i>length</i></dt>
00063 <dd>Number of bytes to be read into the buffer. Should be the same size as the buffer.  A typical value is 4096.</dd>
00064 <dt><i>bitstream</i></dt>
00065 <dd>A pointer to the number of the current logical bitstream.</dd>
00066 </dl>
00069 <h3>Return Values</h3>
00070 <blockquote>
00071 <dl>
00072 <dt>OV_HOLE</dt>
00073   <dd>indicates there was an interruption in the data.
00074       <br>(one of: garbage between pages, loss of sync followed by
00075            recapture, or a corrupt page)</dd>
00076 <dt>OV_EBADLINK</dt>
00077   <dd>indicates that an invalid stream section was supplied to
00078       libvorbisidec, or the requested link is corrupt.</dd>
00079 <dt>0</dt>
00080   <dd>indicates EOF</dd>
00081 <dt><i>n</i></dt>
00082   <dd>indicates actual number of bytes read.  <tt>ov_read()</tt> will
00083       decode at most one vorbis packet per invocation, so the value
00084       returned will generally be less than <tt>length</tt>.
00085 </dl>
00086 </blockquote>
00088 <h3>Notes</h3>
00089 <p><b>Typical usage:</b>
00090 <blockquote>
00091 <tt>bytes_read = ov_read(&amp;vf,
00092 buffer, 4096,&amp;current_section)</tt>
00093 </blockquote>
00095 This reads up to 4096 bytes into a buffer, with signed 16-bit
00096 little-endian samples.
00097 </p>
00101 <br><br>
00102 <hr noshade>
00103 <table border=0 width=100%>
00104 <tr valign=top>
00105 <td><p class=tiny>copyright &copy; 2002 Xiph.org</p></td>
00106 <td align=right><p class=tiny><a href="http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/">Ogg Vorbis</a></p></td>
00107 </tr><tr>
00108 <td><p class=tiny>Tremor documentation</p></td>
00109 <td align=right><p class=tiny>Tremor version 1.0 - 20020403</p></td>
00110 </tr>
00111 </table>
00113 </body>
00115 </html>

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