This document explains how to define the header structure of messages before storing them in the SQL database and lists the advantages of doing so.
The header structure of messages is specific to each Message Type Module (MTM). The Messaging framework provides a generic interface to store and access the header information.
MTM developers use the [[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'CMsvHeaderStore']]]CMsvHeaderStore API to create a specific header table and specify their message header structure to the Message Server.
The [[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'CMsvHeaderStore']]]CMsvHeaderStore::CreateStoreL() function creates a header table. Before creating a header table for your MTM, you should check whether the table already exists, by calling the [[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'CMsvHeaderStore']]]DoesStoreExistsL() function.
[[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'CMsvHeaderStore']]] TCommonHeaderField is the enumeration defining the following standard message header fields:
‘From’ field of the message header
‘BCC’ field of the message header
‘To’ field of the message header
‘CC’ field of the message header.
‘Subject’ field of the message header.
To add specific fields to the header table, call the [[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'CMsvHeaderStore']]]AddFieldL() function.
[[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'CMsvHeaderStore']]]CEmailAccounts is the API provided by the email client MTM. This class creates, loads, saves and deletes email accounts. When creating the email account, the client MTM has to provide the header structure through the [[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'CMsvHeaderStore']]]CMsvHeaderStore API to pass to the Messaging framework. The framework will then create the header for the account.