TRequestStatus Class Reference

#include <e32cmn.h>

Link against: eposprvtyp.lib

class TRequestStatus

Detailed Description

Indicates the completion status of a request made to a service provider.

When a thread makes a request, it passes a request status as a parameter. On completion, the provider signals the requesting thread's request semaphore and stores a completion code in the request status. Typically, this is KErrNone or one of the other system-wide error codes.

This class is not intended for user derivation.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TRequestStatus ( )


Default constructor.

TRequestStatus ( TInt )


Constructs an asynchronous request status object and assigns a completion value to it.

aValThe completion value to be assigned to the constructed request status object.

Member Function Documentation

Int ( )

TInt Int()const [inline]

Gets this request status object's completion code value.

Returns: The completion code.

operator!= ( TInt )

TBool operator!=(TIntaVal)const [inline]

Tests whether the request status object's completion code is not equal to the specified value.

aValThe value to be compared.

Returns: True, if the values are unequal; false otherwise.

operator< ( TInt )

TBool operator<(TIntaVal)const [inline]

Tests whether the request status object's completion code is less than the specified value.

aValThe value to be compared.

Returns: True, if the request status object's value is less than the specified value; false, otherwise.

operator<= ( TInt )

TBool operator<=(TIntaVal)const [inline]

Tests whether the request status object's completion code is less than or equal to the specified value.

aValThe value to be compared.

Returns: True, if the request status object's value is less than or equal to the specified value; false, otherwise.

operator= ( TInt )

TInt operator=(TIntaVal)[inline]

Assigns the specified completion code to the request status object.

aValThe value to be assigned.

Returns: The value assigned.

operator== ( TInt )

TBool operator==(TIntaVal)const [inline]

Tests whether the request status object's completion code is the same as the specified value.

aValThe value to be compared.

Returns: True, if the values are equal; false otherwise.

operator> ( TInt )

TBool operator>(TIntaVal)const [inline]

Tests whether the request status object's completion code is greater than the specified value.

aValThe value to be compared.

Returns: True, if the request status object's value is greater than the specified value; false, otherwise.

operator>= ( TInt )

TBool operator>=(TIntaVal)const [inline]

Tests whether the request status object's completion code is greater than or equal to the specified value.

aValThe value to be compared.

Returns: True, if the request status object's value is greater than or equal to the specified value; false, otherwise.