TECAMEvent2 Class Reference

#include <ecam.h>

Link against: ecam.lib

class TECAMEvent2 : public TECAMEvent

Inherits from

Detailed Description

Special type of TECAMEvent class used to retrieve some extra information from particular events received

Member Attribute Documentation


TInt iParam

This signifies different things for different valid events.

Future events may also use this class member variable.


TInt iParam1

iParam1 will be used to provide extra information if iParam is not sufficient. This signifies different things for different valid events.

Future events may also use this class member variable.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TECAMEvent2 ( TUid, TInt, TInt )



For example: For KUidECamEventCIPSetColorSwapEntry; KUidECamEventCIPRemoveColorSwapEntry; KUidECamEventCIPSetColorAccentEntry and KUidECamEventCIPRemoveColorAccentEntry, aParam represents color entry.

For KUidECamEventCameraSettingPreCaptureWarning, aParam represents bit field describing all PreCaptureWarnings currently issued.

Future events may also use this class.

aEventTypeA UID to define the type of event.
aErrorCodeThe error code associated with the event.
aParamThis signifies different things for different valid events.

Member Function Documentation

EventClassUsed ( )

IMPORT_C const TUid &EventClassUsed()const

Gives the uid representing this version of TECAMEvent base class.

Returns: Uid representing this version of TECAMEvent base class. Uid used is KUidECamEventClass2.

IsEventEncapsulationValid ( const TECAMEvent & )

IMPORT_C TBoolIsEventEncapsulationValid(const TECAMEvent &aECAMEvent)[static]

This method may be used by MCameraObserver2::HandleEvent to know whether a particular event received has been encapsulated in a correct version of TECAMEvent base class. Indirectly, its provided implementation also specifies different events which are supposed to use a specific version of TECAMEvent base class. This static method will be provided per derived version of TECAMEvent base class. So, MCameraObserver2::HandleEvent implementation may consist of 2 parts: 1) Recognize the class which encapsulated the event(aECAMEvent) and type-cast to that class. 2) Recognize the event.

Note : MCameraObserver2::HandleEvent should ignore unrecognised events and unrecognized version of TECAMEvent base class. Unless clearly stated to use a particular derived version of TECAMEvent base class, events should use class TECAMEvent.

aECAMEventTECAMEvent class reference providing details of a particular event

Returns: ETrue : This implies that the received event is recognized and belongs to this class. MCameraObserver2::HandleEvent implementation may type-cast the aECAMEvent to TECAMEvent2 and proceed. EFalse : This is not an error condition. This implies that the event does not belong to this class. If event is a known event, this may belong to the base class or to some other version of base class. MCameraObserver2::HandleEvent implementation may call any other such methods existing for different derived versions of TECAMEvent base class untill ETrue is retrieved. If EFalse is retrieved in each of such methods, implementation may type-cast the aECAMEvent to the base class and proceed further to recognise the event. This implies that:- 1) the given event is unrecognised and belong to base class or any derived class or an unrecognised derived class. 2) the given event is recognised and belong to base class.